Themed Mixtape Game

Drudkh - Sunwheel: 7.5/10
Patriarch - Dance, Children of the Moon: 7/10
Sacred Blade - Of the Sun + Moon: 9/10
Amorphis - Moon and Sun Part II: North's Son: 8/10
Lucis Absentia - Beneath the Falling Sun: 8/10
Bruce Dickinson - Power of the Sun: 8.5/10
Incantation - The Ibex Moon: 9/10
Sacramentum - Moonfog: 7.5/10
Anciients - Raise the Sun: 9/10
Rat Attack - Man on the Moon: 8/10
Celtic Frost - Sorrows of the Moon: 7/10
Spirit Caravan - Dead Love / Jug Fulla Sun: 7/10
Atrocity - Sky Turned Red: 9.5/10
Hades - The Dawn of the Dying Sun: 5/10
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Okay, I moved my ass and decided to finish this one today. I surprised myself I tallied this shit up in just one day, I'm such a lazy prick


WINNER: @Slayed Necros


I'm especially surprised by Sacramentum's relatively low position.

Incantation - @Slayed Necros 106
Atrocity - @Sirjack 101
Sacred Blade - @mutantllama 100
Rat Attack - @no country for old wainds 95,5
Bruce Dickinson - @RadicalThrasher 91,5
Sacramentum - @Phylactery 88,5
Amorphis - @arg 86
Patriarch - @HamburgerBoy 84
Spirit Caravan - @Master_Yoda77 81,5
Celtic Frost - @Talos of Atmora ex aequo with Hades - @Dazed and Brutal 80
Drudkh - @Serjeant Grumbles 72
Anciients - @Baroque 68,5
Lucis Absentia - @The Ozzman 65
I'm surprised by the lukewarm ratings for that Sacramentum song too! Especially by Slayed Necros and Old Wainds! It's not far off the quality of FAFtS. I'd have given it a 9.
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The averages for the Drudkh and Celtic Frost songs in comparison to the other averages is odd to me as well, given the bands and songs in question, I'd have thought they'd fare better.