Themed Mixtape Game

Why, because i didn't give your favorite bands/songs enough points? "i only count lists i like" lol, pathetic bastards

Death - Leprosy
This is good but lets be honest, Death seems to pop up in these game a lot.

this says everything about you. "Its good, but my rating/opinions of song is built upon how many people like them/have included them in this game". Ugh.

if you can dock points for that, than i sure in the hell can dock points wherever i feel the need to here.
hey @no country for old wainds There's a nice little whore here waiting for you to fly out and ask for her hand in marriage. She promises she wont break your heart like the previous two girls that you flew out here and got engaged to. She's all you bruh :lol:

i imagine this will become less funny when you realise the one* i got engaged to is still with me and has made my life way better. lol at this loser for successfully pursuing happiness and great sex!
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yeah, i laugh at any simp that would use his "life savings" in order to fly out to another country and put a ring on the finger of some cunt that he probably didnt even know jack shit about. She probably got drilled by another dude a few days after he left.
Death – Leprosy – 9/10, obvious but excellent

Impetigo – Faceless – 5/10, good sound but not much else going for it, felt a little bored before the end

Magnus – Leprosy – 3/10 and that’s probably being generous, borders on incompetent Thrash Queen incompetence but not remotely funny, speed alone doesn’t get you that far

Polluted Inheritance – Dissolved – 4/10, unfortunate, the lurchy riffing around 0:50 is interesting and there are other good moments, but the bulk is cookie-cutter death/thrash

Dr. Shrinker – Fungus – 7/10, not as good as Phantasm but still great classic death metal, if this production bothers you, you’re a pussy

Necrosanct – Abhorence – 7/10, this is one of those albums I always assumed was kind of shit because 1) they’re from the UK 2) they have cool cover art and were on Black Mark, yet 3) no one talks about them, yet it’s actually really cool and nasty sounding stuff, the sad thing is that I’m pretty sure I had this same epiphany about this album just a couple years ago but forgot all about it, adding it to the RYM wishlist so I don’t forget this time

Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary – 8/10, I heard the Madonna mash-up before ever hearing this song so now that’s what I expect whenever listen to this, lol, still, about as good as sterile, hook-based death metal gets

Infester - A Viscidy Slippery Secretion – 8/10, known of them since forever but never really got around to listening to them, awesome stuff here

Demolition Hammer - 44. Caliber Brain Surgery – 7/10, don’t really consider this to be one of their better songs but still pretty good, it’s the handful of really groovy moments + the amazing vocals that bring it up

Maimed - Maimed Excisions – 8/10, great ugly stuff

Autopsy - Charred Remains – 6/10, love the album but this song isn’t particularly special

Mass Psychosis – Goremachine – 7/10, silly, wanky, fun and heavy, could have been shit but I like it a lot
I can't see many people actually liking this list, but it was nice to have a consistently good playlist that mainly sticks with the same genre.

My backup pick was a 14-minute funeral doom song, which would have given this a bit of variety. But my first choice is definitely faring better than that aforementioned song would have, so I have no regrets.