Themed Mixtape Game

Death - Leprosy

Impetigo - Faceless

Magnus - Leprosy

Polluted Inheritance - Dissolved

Dr. Shrinker - Fungus

Necrosanct - Abhorence

Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary

Infester - A Viscidy Slippery Secretion

Demolition Hammer - 44. Caliber Brain Surgery

Maimed - Maimed Excisions

Autopsy - Charred Remains

Mass Psychosis - Goremachine
Death - Leprosy
2 points off cuz 2 easy 7/10

Impetigo - Faceless

Magnus - Leprosy

relentlessly rabid retardation 9/10

Polluted Inheritance - Dissolved

Dr. Shrinker - Fungus

Necrosanct - Abhorence

that riffage just after 3 minutes, more of that pls. the generic slow parts before that, less of those pls. 8/10

Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary

Infester - A Viscidy Slippery Secretion

it's striking how dark and weird this is even in the context of this playlist. 9/10

Demolition Hammer - 44. Caliber Brain Surgery

too easy but i'll just take one point as it's the less liked album. 6/10

Maimed - Maimed Excisions

Autopsy - Charred Remains

too easy. 7/10

Mass Psychosis - Goremachine

probably the most interesting pick on here. 8/10

i feel crappy today so effort was not gonna happen sry
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Reactions: Slayed Necros
Lazy/busy version:

Death - 10
Impetigo - 2
Magnus - 6 needs something
Polluted Inheritance - 8
Dr. Shrinker - 7 also needs something
Necrosanct - 8 this was good and never heard before
Carcass - 8.5
Infester - 5 oh hi cookie monster, me no have cookies
Demolition Hammer - 10 yes. enjoyed this muchly
Maimed - 6 i said me no have cookies. thx for getting better at guitar tho.
Autopsy - 8
Mass Psychosis - 8 points for creativity alone, some parts didn't work to me, but nt
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Reactions: Slayed Necros
Lazy/busy version:

Death - 10
Impetigo - 2
Magnus - 6 needs something
Polluted Inheritance - 8
Dr. Shrinker - 7 also needs something
Necrosanct - 8 this was good and never heard before
Carcass - 8.5
Infester - 5 oh hi cookie monster, me no have cookies
Demolition Hammer - 10 yes. enjoyed this muchly
Maimed - 6 i said me no have cookies. thx for getting better at guitar tho.
Autopsy - 8
Mass Psychosis - 8 points for creativity alone, some parts didn't work to me, but nt

Who the fuck still uses "cookie monster" as an insult?

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Reactions: CiG
Results for the Body Horror mixtape:

Death - Leprosy (@Serjeant Grumbles) 8.34
Maimed - Maimed Excisions (@HamburgerBoy) 8.11
Autopsy - Charred Remains (@EspaDa) 8.07
Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary (@arg) 8
Demolition Hammer - 44. Caliber Brain Surgery (@RadicalThrasher) 7.46
Mass Psychosis - Goremachine (Me) 7.42
Dr Shrinker - Fungus (@CASSETTEISGOD) 7.34
Impetigo - Faceless (@Sirjack) 7.07
Necrosanct - Abhorence (@Krow) 7.03
Infester - A Viscidy Slippery Secretion (@Phylactery) 6.80
Polluted Inheritance - Dissolved (@Baroque) 6.80
Magnus - Leprosy (@no country for old wainds) 6.61

@Serjeant Grumbles wins!