Themed Mixtape Game

Death - Leprosy 10/10 Classic Death.
Impetigo - Faceless 6/10 Not really into this kind of stuff, but not bad
Magnus - Leprosy 7/10 I'm a fan of these guys, pretty good song
Polluted Inheritance - Dissolved 5/10 Middle of the road
Dr. Shrinker - Fungus 7/10 Enjoyed it
Necrosanct - Abhorence 5/10
Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary 7/10 Not the biggest Carcass fan, but good song
Infester - A Viscidy Slippery Secretion5/10
Demolition Hammer - 44. Caliber Brain Surgery 9.5/10 Good song but far from their best
Maimed - Maimed Excisions 9/10 Don't know who picked this but you're either from Chicago and close to my age, were heavily into tape trading back in the day, or a collector of rare stuff. Good shit
Autopsy - Charred Remains 8/10
Mass Psychosis - Goremachine 6/10
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Just now reading the backlash to TBs ratings. Essentially you're not allowed to give zeros or ones to more than half your list.

Yeah no that's not it. It's just an obviously salty troll faggot set of ratings. It's an all death metal list isn't it? Makes no sense to have such a dichotomy in your ratings when it's a rather homogeneous list.
Death - Leprosy
I have a strange relationship with Death. I absolutely love Individual Thought Patterns, but can barely get into anything else. I absolutely despise the snare sound on this track and that guitar solo sounds soooo thin. Chuck has some of the best vox in the game doe - 6/10

Impetigo - Faceless
Rip my fucking face off - 9/10

Magnus - Leprosy
P. good. Love the almost bitcrushed level of lo-fi. 8/10

Polluted Inheritance - Dissolved
Never heard of this band. Pretty bland for the most part aside from those sneaky hi hats poking through the mix at times. 7/10

Dr. Shrinker - Fungus
holy fuck - wut's this ya'll? Totally submerged in the best way possible 10/10

Necrosanct - Abhorence
Not horrible, but kind of lackluster. 6/10

Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary
rules obvs. - 8/10

Infester - A Viscidy Slippery Secretion
been spinning this record a lot since the reissue - 10/10

Demolition Hammer - 44. Caliber Brain Surgery
Never was much into this record or Demolition Hammer for that matter. Just always seemed a relatively safe sound - 6/10

Maimed - Maimed Excisions
fucking-a. was seriously considering deducting a one from all previous entries for not being this - 10/10

Autopsy - Charred Remains
another obv classic - 8/10

Mass Psychosis - Goremachine
woah, totally demented! this is like demilich level of technical with it's own unique charm - 10/10

Bravo fellows, this has showed me some of the best material i've heard in awhile
Death - Leprosy 8.5/10
Classic and not an album I've really over-listened to. Though pretty fucking obvious.

Impetigo - Faceless 10/10

One of my all timers. Grinding death metal perfection.

Magnus - Leprosy 9/10

Brutal and primitive as fuck.

Polluted Inheritance - Dissolved 7/10

Never heard of this band. Drums were a bite lame here and there, but pretty brutal.

Dr. Shrinker - Fungus 9.5/10

Another all timer for me. Sickening and raw, just how deathgrind should always be.

Necrosanct - Abhorence 8/10

This is fucking crushing, loved it.

Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary 8/10

The last Carcass album I like. Not as good as the deathgore shit but I love it, sounds much more like what Exhumed went on to produce I recon.

Infester - A Viscidy Slippery Secretion 8/10

This is so primitive. Hahaha. I fucking love it. I've been seeing people talk about it a lot here lately, cool to finally hear why. Vocals remind me a lot of early Broken Hope. NSDM?

Demolition Hammer - 44. Caliber Brain Surgery 7/10

Cool stuff. Amazing how heavy-lite it sounds in comparison to this playlist so far. I used to think it was so OTT heavy. Little obvious.

Maimed - Maimed Excisions 9/10

Fucking hell this is disgustingly heavy. DEMO TAPES FOR LIFE FAGGOTS.

Autopsy - Charred Remains 8/10

Ridiculously classick death metal. For me, the band that defined the genre. I don't fucking care if you agree, this shit is in my veins. Obvious as a motherfucker choice though.

Mass Psychosis - Goremachine 9/10

What the fuck this is some weird death metal (?) right here. Unpredictable and unorthodox as a fuck. I love it.

Playlist got me like:

uuuurgggg l had 90% of these done in a draft and its fucking disappeared..

Death - Yeah lm an old hag, when this came out we wet ourselves, fucking brutal 10/10

Impetigo - Then shit like this decided it was more brutal . we said fuck yeah 10/10

Magnus - A number of years later, lesser well known bands signed deals and released unique brilliant original material. Magnus not being one of the best, but still fantastic music 7/10

Polluted Inheritance - This would fit in with my second/third tier DM with a twist sorta band. Around the same time as previous band , better production , a bit more evil. l'll check out the album after this 8/10

Dr Shrinker - Not heard of this before...dodgy demo lm guessing ...album? There's plenty of good riffs in this...just wish it wasn't recorded in a tent. nice and evil 8/10

Necrosanct - Ugh this is annoying as fuck cause l haven't heard from them before and its that dirty kind of production l like in second tier DM Bands 8/10

Carcass - it's almost the ultimate DM tune in that there's heavy, dirty, brutal and clever. just the right production and there's minimal drag 10/10

Infester - redeemed at that riff at 1:57. until then this is a masterclass in basic 3rd tier DM. pretty fucking dull with a sometime twist of lime 5/10

Demolition Hammer - Missed out the first time on these guys and l don't really regret it to be honest, they never seemed to have a 'sound' l didn't think. 6.5/10

Maimed - Sick sound with a fantastic dirty tone, Not heard this but cant fault it, Awesome 9/10

Autopsy - These guys and this song, are warm familiar territory here, nothing to prove, it's all been said before 10/10

Mass Psychosis - it's fairly unique stuff... a bit Atheist, early Pestilence, some Atrocity in there...someone's band? kinda overit before the deathly vokills 6/10

that was a brutal list folks, killer, cheers
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Death - Leprosy 10/10
Impetigo - Faceless 8/10
Magnus - Leprosy 6.5/10
Polluted Inheritance 6.5/10
Dr. Shrinker - Fungus 6/10
Necrosanct - Abhorence 7/10
Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary 9.5/10
Infester - A Viscidy Slippery Secretion 8/10
Demolition Hammer - 44. Caliber Brain Surgery 7/10
Maimed - Maimed Excisions 8/10
Autopsy - Charred Remains 10/10
Mass Psychosis - Goremachine 6.5/10
Death - Leprosy
Classic and great but I still hate that snare 8/10

Impetigo - Faceless
Disgusting smelly mess but I kinda like it 7/10

Magnus - Leprosy
Unlistenable production is not helping, vocalist needs to shut up 4/10

Polluted Inheritance - Dissolved
Better, some cool shit in here 7/10

Dr. Shrinker - Fungus
The production bothers me and therefore I'm a pussy, but I'm still digging the riffage in here. 7.5/10

Necrosanct - Abhorence
This did nothing for me at all 3/10

Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary
I used to love this album but it doesn't do much for me these days for some reason. Also I submitted Ruptured in Purulence for this round and it's much better than this so fuck you etc 6/10

Infester - A Viscidy Slippery Secretion
Terrible. The bass player sounds like he fell over several times in the first minute or so 3/10

Demolition Hammer - 44. Caliber Brain Surgery
This rules. I've never really explored these guys but I'd buy this album based on this track. Scott Burns production is great and the riffage is killer. Fucking DEATH THRASH 9.5/10

Maimed - Maimed Excisions
This is pretty good for a cassette demo from 91 with 65 views 7/10

Autopsy - Charred Remains
Pretty good I guess 6/10

Mass Psychosis - Goremachine
What is this crazy weirdness 7/10