Themed Mixtape Game

Results for the Body Horror mixtape:

Death - Leprosy (@Serjeant Grumbles) 8.34
Maimed - Maimed Excisions (@HamburgerBoy) 8.11
Autopsy - Charred Remains (@EspaDa) 8.07
Carcass - Corporal Jigsore Quandary (@arg) 8
Demolition Hammer - 44. Caliber Brain Surgery (@RadicalThrasher) 7.46
Mass Psychosis - Goremachine (Me) 7.42
Dr Shrinker - Fungus (@CASSETTEISGOD) 7.34
Impetigo - Faceless (@Sirjack) 7.07
Necrosanct - Abhorence (@Krow) 7.03
Infester - A Viscidy Slippery Secretion (@Phylactery) 6.80
Polluted Inheritance - Dissolved (@Baroque) 6.80
Magnus - Leprosy (@no country for old wainds) 6.61

@Serjeant Grumbles wins!
Funny how picking a random song with unavailable lyrics as a last minute "Fuck can't think of anything" choice nearly won.

And yeah Infester is totally in-crowd, weird to see it so low.
Leave your political science course out of this.

In all seriousness, it was more of a Western classics course than anything. The professor was from that field and a lot of the lecture material was only tangentially related to vampire lore. However, we did watch a movie every week. Also, there was a study abroad trip to Romania for spring break that sort of tied into the course, although it not everyone taking the course went on the trip, and not everyone on the trip was taking the course. I count myself among those who took the plunge into vampire country.

I never encountered any actual vampires, but I did run into some Hungarian gangsters. Our group was spending one night of our journey in the town of Sighișoara. I was with a few people looking for nightlife, to no avail, when we happened upon these aforementioned Hungarians, led by a man named Csobi, who were on a similarly fruitless quest. They suggested we accompany them back to their hometown, the neighboring city of Târgu Mureș. Eager for an adventure, I accepted this; if memory serves, the group splintered off at this point, split between those who jumped at the call and those who shirked from it. As I was among the former, my party, led by someone by the nickname "Billy"- a name completely unrelated to his actual name which I do not actually remember - followed them in a taxi. Upon arriving, they took us to a strip club - the first and only time I've ever been, as I've felt that an American showroom wouldn't surpass the Romanian experience.

As the night came to a close, it came time to return to our lodgings in Sighișoara so that we might get an hour or two of sleep before having to wake up to commence with the group itinerary for the following day. Naturally, the plan was to return via taxi, just as we came. However, Csobi insisted that we should simply pay him to serve as our ride home. Now, Billy, who was a bit older than the rest of our group, yet younger than I am now, thought this offer seemed a bit suspect. I didn't think anything of it at first, but then Csobi began to use threats in an attempt to cajole us into accepting. He told us we were "fucked in the head" and said he could make some calls and have some guys waiting to ambush us when we got back to into town. I distinctly remember him saying "You'll never make it back to Sighișoara!" But we did, which is why I am here today hosting this round revolving around the theme of vampires.

Speaking of which, I could use a few more submissions.
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Here it comes.

  1. Mayhem - Buried By Time and Dust
  2. Satan - Kiss of Death
  3. Mütiilation - Tears of a Melancholic Vampire
  4. Vampire - Night Hunter
  5. Stone Demons - Vampyr
  6. Iced Earth - Dracula
  7. Necrophagia - Insane for Blood
  8. Venom - Countess Bathory
  9. Bathory - Woman of Dark Desires
  10. Church of Misery - Blood Sucking Freak
  11. The Ravenous - I Drink Your Blood
  12. Witchhammer - Transylvania
  13. Helstar - Black Cathedral
  14. Blood Cult - Psychic Vampire
  15. Necromantia - Last Song of Valdezie
It's surprising that nobody submitted "At Dawn They Sleep" by a certain band that rhymes with "Player".