Themed Mixtape Game

For being one of the most praised and respected black metal bands that Inquisition song is getting a shit ton of hate.

It would probably be doing a lot better if you submitted a more appropriate song.

I also wanted to post that I forgot that there is a single song from before their three most recent albums that is about space Satan or whatever you want to call their current lyrical direction.

Interstellar Meets Metal
I feel we could've opened stronger than this. 4/10.

Inquisition - Strike Of The Morning Star
I've always wanted to like these guys but could never get into those vocals. I don't hear the "evil" sound that so many people claim they project. 4/10.

Manilla Road – Astronomica
This song greets the mediocrity mark for me. 5/10.

Artificial Brain - Graveyard of Lightless Planets
The second set of vocals that hit help this song out a lot. 5/10.

Haggard – The Observer
An aural pleaser. The vocals sound a bit too processed but the mix of baroque and death metal is sure to delight. 9/10.

Mordeth – Platform S1
Killer vocals and digging the percussion on this aggressive track. 8/10.

Obscura – Universe Momentum
Pretty good in a standard extreme technical sort of way. 6/10.

The Sword – Warp Riders
Well that was completely forgettable. 4/10.

Sacred Blade – The Enlightenment/Master of the Sun
Solid for what it is. 6/10.

Dissection – Beyond the Horizon
Haven't heard this album yet. More plz! 9/10.

Thy Catafalque – Kod utanam
Too vanilla methinks, though did appreciate the spacey sounds. 5/10.

Acid Storm – Galactic Holocaust
Nothing to get me excited over. Verses were enjoyable. 5/10.

Star One – Perfect Survivor
This is just so bad. Album art is space af tho. 2/10.

Coroner – Voyage to Eternity
Always good to end on a high note. 9/10.
Serious question: did you actually try to submit something thematic and you just misinterpreted the lyrics or you didn't give a shit about the theme and just chose a song you like regardless of its lyrics?

I thought it was thematic. I don't really take those things too seriously so as long as it seems thematic it's good enough for me, but the sperglords on this site definitely disagree.
Interstellar Meets Metal - inspiring song by a talented dude 10
Inquisition - Strike Of The Morning Star - the poster of the song has a celestial body so it's thematic 10
Manilla Road – Astronomica - wow this is actually great 9
Artificial Brain - Graveyard of Lightless Planets - cool but vocals and instruments don't go that well together 7
Haggard – The Observer - cool but vocals and instruments don't go that well together again 7
Mordeth – Platform S1 - yep this is badass 9
Obscura – Universe Momentum - brutal fuck yea 10
The Sword – Warp Riders - 8 fun listen
Sacred Blade – The Enlightenment/Master of the Sun - 8 quite an epic tune
Dissection – Beyond the Horizon - oh shit 10
Thy Catafalque – Kod utanam - 9 hogy vagy szeretlek
Acid Storm – Galactic Holocaust - awesome instruments wimpy vocals 8
Star One – Perfect Survivor - now this is space opera 9
Coroner – Voyage to Eternity - jesus 10
Lol I already did Europe for this year last thanksgiving, for christmas im going to manila, not really for whores, more for food/family/old buds. Although I will have whores, probably won’t lick their assholes