Themed Mixtape Game

Well fuck me I guess. I was just trying to pick an Inquisition song that wasn't going to get downvoted into oblivion for being "obvious pick 2/10" by you faggots.

Also, I should clarify that I've always interpreted Inquisition to sing about a sort of "Cosmological Satan" where Satan is this being that transcends planetary life and can destroy planets and conquer galaxies and shit.

Your interpretation is valid if you picked a song from their last three albums. Unfortunately, you did not.
Interstellar Meets Metal 4/10 not sure if this is serious or meant as a joke? As a joke its a little funny, this guy is also goofy looking. And if its serious well obviously this guy is talented, but still goofy looking.

Inquisition - Strike Of The Morning Star 2/10 Don't care for all. Can't stand the vocals and not going to check the lyrics but I'm sure the other raters know what they're talking about saying its not on topic.

Manilla Road – Astronomica 7/10 I like these guys well enough, decent song + right now they're playing the role of toliet paper to clean the shit out of my ears from what I heard before it.

Artificial Brain - Graveyard of Lightless Planets 5/10 I thought this was ok. Middle of the road. Don't really like it or hate it.

Haggard – The Observer 3/10 Pretty tired and this started to put me to sleep but turned into something else.

Mordeth – Platform S1 7/10 oldschool. Nothing amazing but solid

Obscura – Universe Momentum 6.5/10 a lot going on here for my brain to process. Not something I'd normally listen to

The Sword – Warp Riders 6/10 not bad. Also something I wouldn't normally listen to.

Sacred Blade – The Enlightenment/Master of the Sun 6/10 on par with that manilla road track, except I like it a little less

Dissection – Beyond the Horizon 5/10 remember hearing these guys in this game before. Think i liked the other track better but whatever....middle of the road

Thy Catafalque – Kod utanam 3/10 not sure whats going on

Acid Storm – Galactic Holocaust 9/10 awesome! 6 + minutes flew by. Good stuff

Star One – Perfect Survivor 5/10 I liked the start of this but then it died off fast. Seeing the top comment on youtube i guess this is based on the movie Alien. Read the lyrics, pretty cool

Coroner – Voyage to Eternity 9/10
You don't need an MA/MS to go for a PhD. Unless you're a dumbass.

No shit, Sherlock. I was originally going to get a PhD but I opted out of doing it because it was irrelevant to my career trajectory and will probably remain so until I get promoted or seek a new career.

I guess for science types or whatever you consider yourself, that probably sounds like a weird decision. I was literally advised against doing so by my mentor at this company and I don't regret doing what I did.
No shit, Sherlock. I was originally going to get a PhD but I opted out of doing it because it was irrelevant to my career trajectory and will probably remain so until I get promoted or seek a new career.

I guess for science types or whatever you consider yourself, that probably sounds like a weird decision. I was literally advised against doing so by my mentor at this company and I don't regret doing what I did.

I didn't know you had a Master's, I just tried guessing that the reason for your incorrect assumption/belief was due to a not-uncommon assumption about normal degree trajectories. Now it's obvious why you seem to be taking this personally.

Interstellar Meets Metal 9/10
Autistic basement-dwelling Napoleon Dynamite metal.

Inquisition - Strike of the Morning Star 2/10
Not thematic and I don't like that drum sound whatsoever. I'll always love their weird vocals though.

Manilla Road - Astronomica 3/10
Love this song and love this album but it's not thematic. More thematic than the previous song at least. Stop trying to shoehorn Manilla Road into every game.

Artificial Brain - Graveyard of Lightless Planets 2/10
I'm assuming whichever dingus submitted this actually meant to submit "Estranged from Orbit" and got confused because the title of this song is the first line of lyrics from "Estranged from Orbit."

What a missed opportunity. Fantastic album of shimmering, cold futuristic technical death metal but this is not thematic.

"Vacant Explorer" would have been the most appropriate choice from this album.

Haggard - The Observer 8/10
Incredibly interesting style, I'm going to delve further into this band.

Mordeth - Platform S1 8.5/10
Totally struck by this bands cold, industrial, machine-like style.

Obscura - Universe Momentum 9/10
Of all the GMD users I think HBB and TB have influenced my music tastes the most, I would never have been able to appreciate this kind of metal before joining the site. But now everything about this sounds interesting, fresh and frankly amazing. The production is also fucking perfect.

The Sword - Warp Riders 6/10
Bloated doom rock that fails to live up to the previous record imo.

Sacred Blade - The Enlightenment / Master of the Sun 8/10
Fantastic fucking choice.

Dissection - Beyond the Horizon 7.5/10
I don't know if it's only me that hears it but instrumentally it kind of reminds me of Voïvod, except with punchy and powerful vocals instead of Snake's dystopian punk vocals. Nothing wrong with this at all.

Thy Catafalque - Kod Utanam 2/10
I used Google translate and this doesn't seem to be quite on topic. It mentions the stars and the sky and clouds etc but nothing about outer space. Not really a fan musically so, unfortunately that's pretty bad for whoever submitted this song.

Acid Storm - Galactic Holocaust 9/10
I'm really beginning to take to progressive/technical thrash metal in a big way so I love hearing stuff like this. It's new to me and it really makes me feel like a teen again discovering new amazing metal.

No lyrics seem to be available but I'm trusting it based on that awesome song title. This fucking rules.

Star One - Perfect Survivor 7.5/10
Arjen is fucking awesome, he's always involved in something cool and cheesy. This is so pompous that it actually works. Also the song is ridiculously thematic.

Coroner - Voyage to Eternity 9.5/10
Coroner are Gods!


This theme had so much potential, kind of disappointing even though the good songs I liked were extremely good.

Extreme highs and extreme lows: the mixtape.
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Obscura - Universe Momentum 9/10
Of all the GMD users I think HBB and TB have influenced my music tastes the most, I would never have been able to appreciate this kind of metal before joining the site. But now everything about this sounds interesting, fresh and frankly amazing. The production is also fucking perfect.

Pretty sure I've heard that album like, twice tops.
Acid Storm - Galactic Holocaust 9/10
I'm really beginning to take to progressive/technical thrash metal in a big way so I love hearing stuff like this. It's new to me and it really makes me feel like a teen again discovering new amazing metal.

No lyrics seem to be available but I'm trusting it based on that awesome song title. This fucking rules.

yesss.. welcome to the intelligent side. the light of knowledge has shined upon thee
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For being one of the most praised and respected black metal bands that Inquisition song is getting a shit ton of hate.

It would probably be doing a lot better if you submitted a more appropriate song.

I also wanted to post that I forgot that there is a single song from before their three most recent albums that is about space Satan or whatever you want to call their current lyrical direction.

Interstellar Meets Metal
I feel we could've opened stronger than this. 4/10.

Inquisition - Strike Of The Morning Star
I've always wanted to like these guys but could never get into those vocals. I don't hear the "evil" sound that so many people claim they project. 4/10.

Manilla Road – Astronomica
This song greets the mediocrity mark for me. 5/10.

Artificial Brain - Graveyard of Lightless Planets
The second set of vocals that hit help this song out a lot. 5/10.

Haggard – The Observer
An aural pleaser. The vocals sound a bit too processed but the mix of baroque and death metal is sure to delight. 9/10.

Mordeth – Platform S1
Killer vocals and digging the percussion on this aggressive track. 8/10.

Obscura – Universe Momentum
Pretty good in a standard extreme technical sort of way. 6/10.

The Sword – Warp Riders
Well that was completely forgettable. 4/10.

Sacred Blade – The Enlightenment/Master of the Sun
Solid for what it is. 6/10.

Dissection – Beyond the Horizon
Haven't heard this album yet. More plz! 9/10.

Thy Catafalque – Kod utanam
Too vanilla methinks, though did appreciate the spacey sounds. 5/10.

Acid Storm – Galactic Holocaust
Nothing to get me excited over. Verses were enjoyable. 5/10.

Star One – Perfect Survivor
This is just so bad. Album art is space af tho. 2/10.

Coroner – Voyage to Eternity
Always good to end on a high note. 9/10.