Themed Mixtape Game

HamburgerBoy said:
Inquisition - Strike Of The Morning Star

Okay, I'm probably the biggest Inquisition fan on this entire site, but I'm giving this song a 0/10 because it literally has nothing to do with space and nothing about the song even suggests that it does. Inquisition has three albums full of songs about space, so there is literally no excuse for this lazy bullshit pick.
Or a word search of "star" probably brought that song up.

Lyric: "Strike of the morning star obliterates."

Laziness. The words "star" and "stars" are in a lot of their songs that are actually about space.

The song in question is one of my favorite songs by the band too.
Interstellar Meets Metal

Why. 4/10

Inquisition - Strike of the Morning Star

Not even remotely thematic. I used to like this album a lot but I'm pretty indifferent towards post-MGoL Inquisition these days. 4/10

Manilla Road - Astronomica

This one's barely about space either. I guess the lyrics at least reference planets and stars and shit. Not one of my favourites from Open the Gates. 6.5/10

Artificial Brain - Graveyard of Lightless Planets

Oh it's that art I keep seeing everywhere. This is pretty cool, much better than I expected. But again, how is it thematic?! 5/10

Haggard - The Observer

All right, I don't like the song at all but at least it's thematic. Points added for being the first song on fucking theme. 7/10

Mordeth - Platform S1

Somehow I'd never heard Mordeth until right now. I'm impressed though, the cold mechanical feeling works really well here. 8.5/10

Obscura - Universe Momentum

The exact kind of tech-death I really can't stand. I used to be friends with a few musicians and they were incessant in trying to push shit like this on me, frothing at the technicality. 3/10

The Sword - Warp Riders

First time hearing this band. I expected it to be terrible due to all the negative criticism from the underground, but it sounds much like the sort of retro shit the same types praise. Whatever. 5/10

Sacred Blade - The Enlightenment/Master of the Sun

I don't buy much music any more, but I would buy this immediately if it was available. 9/10

Dissection - Beyond the Horizon

Ultra tight, unquestionably spirited and focused and clearly Jon's most passionate release by leagues and leagues. Instant shivers. I'd give it 11 if I could. 10/10

Thy Catafalque - Köd utánam

Yeah nah. 4/10

Acid Storm - Galactic Holocaust

Solid thrash, nice vocals, good ratio of riffs and technicality. Galactic Holocaust is also one of the coolest song titles I've seen in a while. Album art rules too. 7.5/10

Star One - Perfect Survivor

Musically my least liked thing here by a large margin. Obviously thematic but eh, no thanks. 3/10

Coroner - Voyage to Eternity

Great song from my favourite Coroner album. Can't fault it. 9/10
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Interstellar Meets Metal


Evocative and brilliant masterpiece.

Inquisition - Strike Of The Morning Star


I love this band and this song. Absolutely not about outer space.

Manilla Road – Astronomica


This was a lazy, slightly thematic attempt to force Manilla Road into the playlist.

Artificial Brain - Graveyard of Lightless Planets


Good song. I thought for sure that this would be thematic, but the lyrics changed my mind.

Haggard – The Observer


This was not something that I enioyed.

Mordeth – Platform S1


This is pretty cool.

Obscura – Universe Momentum


Technically stunning but immensely uninteresting to me.

The Sword – Warp Riders


Copy and paste what @Slayed Necros said about this song here.

Sacred Blade – The Enlightenment/Master of the Sun


Sacred Blade is cool. Good song.

Dissection – Beyond the Horizon


Not an in-crowd favorite, but a nostalgic album and pretty good for something with such a bad reputation.

Thy Catafalque – Kod utanam


Weird, and not in a good way.

Acid Storm – Galactic Holocaust


I actually really enjoyed this one, even though the band name is lame.

Star One – Perfect Survivor


Gay space dance pop music with guitars.

Coroner – Voyage to Eternity


Great pick.
Shocked at seeing these ratings for the Dissection track. I barely remember Reinkaos so I listened to it. It starts off bad but then at the 3:10 mark it gets really bad. Has that one somewhat decent melody as its only redeeming feature. His most passionate release? What are you smoking Slayed. This is not The Somberlain and it definitely isn't "Black Horizons" or the title track from that record.

The Obscura song is similarly abhorrent.
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The Obscura song is similarly abhorrent.
disclaimer; my keyboard does not capitalise, question mark , annotate correctly etc

interstellar meets metal - lm a shred fan but this leaves me cold 1/10 for a second l thought this was hbb

inquisition - dour, typically wet, boring bm with hopeless whispered vocals. this is quite funny actually 3/10

manilla road - not a great track by many means but it has its charm, although it tires by the end 4/10

graveyard of lifeless planets - instant classic if l were 22 but typical nowadays, still good fun and insane 6,5/10 another band that can play

haggard - l struggle with the fiddle and geetar riffs but these boys or girls can play..not a fan of the overall mix of dm vocals fiddle and operatic vocals but its ok l guess 6/10

mordeth - 2nd tier...well take you pick. ep er...maybe they find their sound. iow boring 3/10

obscura - i think ten or fifteen years ago l would have totally lapped this up - or maybe 25 years ago - anyway it's good shit but it's just not here for me nowadays. .tech. tone, structure. brutality. it's got it in droves 7.5/10 l need to give these guys another listen

the sword - first class 8/10 great sound great song writers - if a well trodden song beat

sacred blade - lacklustre shitty intro vocals. it starts off woefully, 2nd or even 3rd tier riffs ensue..this is a tired motley crue 2/10 probably a hollywood shizer
someones gonna say this the creme de la creme.....haha fuck off

dissection - lm a dm guy so this should an old school dm guy.
l need my death metal to be brutal. 6.5../10

thy catafalque - this is cool if a bit busy and for me at least, not english. so it's good but not great cause l can't understand the fucking thing. uh the music is ok but not great 5/10

acid storm - great track, heard about these guys a long while ago but didn't really rate them,, its ok but they've never broken through that second tier step have they 5.5/10

star one - you can see this dissed cause peps dont want it to win but it ain't gonna win, it's clearly well played and sounds huge, and its obviously a bit too different for the straight laced amongst us. props to the balls on display here +9/10

coroner - well shit, there were no cries of obvious obvious and l would have thought that coroner was an overly obvious choice on this board,
have things settled down now lads, well then, coroner are a favourite so thats a 10/10 then

Shocked at seeing these ratings for the Dissection track. I barely remember Reinkaos so I listened to it. It starts off bad but then at the 3:10 mark it gets really bad. Has that one somewhat decent melody as its only redeeming feature. His most passionate release? What are you smoking Slayed. This is not The Somberlain and it definitely isn't "Black Horizons" or the title track from that record.

Comparing it to the early material is pointless; it's a different band with a different vision. I'm not saying it's as good as the first two albums but I like just as much for different reasons. If you can't hear the passion there's nothing I can say to convince you.
It's definitely not a great album, but it isn't nearly as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. My opinion on it has softened to one of nostalgia over the years. For a while, I legitimately thought it was crap and wondered why I ever listened to it at all.
Well fuck me I guess. I was just trying to pick an Inquisition song that wasn't going to get downvoted into oblivion for being "obvious pick 2/10" by you faggots.

Also, I should clarify that I've always interpreted Inquisition to sing about a sort of "Cosmological Satan" where Satan is this being that transcends planetary life and can destroy planets and conquer galaxies and shit.