These ppl at my house are saying...

Sad,too...*shakes head*...they should all kill themselves onec they hit 25.
Wow,I never thought a thread of mine would get so many replies...especially when it isn't really about anything important.
When I start a thread,it's possible for anything to be brought up.Somehow or another,all of my threads wind up being about religion...unless they are about Andrew W.K.I really didn't have a reason for starting a thread,I was just bored out of my skull and I wanted to say something so that other people would respond.And,lo and behold,it became this wonderful chat thread...

Oh,and happy Fourth of July...I think...
you too!

although. . . what exactly are we celebrating? our country's negligence and apathy in foreign (and national) affairs, or the communism that has become our public education? or is it that if the rest of the world consumed like we do, that we'd need 5 planets to sustain ourselves? or maybe it's that the richest 1% of our population overpowers the other 99%. or the "equality fo all" that we proclaim so vehemently, when it just means equality for rich white landowners. is it our "equal opportunity" (amongst only the rich kids, of course) in schools? is it that the typical american is ignorant, apathetic, and unreasonable? is it the lack of identity amongst individuals, the faceless manner in which we live our lives, basing success on how much money and how many possessions we acquire in our lifetimes? or maybe it's just that popular culture tells us what to think, the o'reilly factor and rush limbaugh show are works of genius, and our president wasn't even elected by the majority?

so much to celebrate!

now let us kill some muslims!!! :rolleyes:

btw, it is a country where someone like andrew wk can become popular. enough said? ;)
It wasnt teh time of my life, and im going to ignore the fact that amos said i was FUCKED.

But yeah, i liekd it when i was there. I got in trouble a lot until around the 10th grade. Thats part of the reason it was so fun.

Im one of those guys who made great grades and never studied. ANd yeah Darkspot, i bought one grade hahahahah. ANd thats it hahahha.
Originally posted by famousamoswillkillyou
Stupid pointless holiday. Although, I do like the increase in the use of explosives (fireworks). Very... interesting. Though I do not see how that really has anything to do with our "freedom and independence"

Think about it, we got the so called independence from EXPLOSIVES. Its like a reinactment. hahahahah

It is pointless.
You're waiting for food,too,huh?My father(who's supposed to be cooking)is watching baseball w/his drunken friends and they're all yelling at the different from Monday night football,really.
YEp, same shoe size, shirts, pants, everything.

I still have the concert shirts, and still wear them. I take care of my shit.

I had major growing pains i tell you.'

6 ft 2 in. size 14 shoe. just 145 pounds. Skinny, but not death looking you know. Creeping death hasnt posted my pic yet. Yuoll see.