-People who like to talk on the phone for a really long time.
-The conceited, flamboyant, androgynous cesspool known as the Louisville "goth" community.
-Anticipation - I've been waiting for Saturday for a long time, so naturally this week feels like it's been about a damn month.
-Toby Keith.
-Paris Hilton and the media coverage she receives.
-Prideful bitchiness.
-Stereotypical sassy fat black women and anyone who tries to emulate or glorify them.
-College comedy movies and the pop punk bands that populate their soundtracks.
-People (young or old) that have any form of "school spirit."
-Church youth ministers.
-Southern Baptists. Yes, all of them.
-The fact that college athletes can choose classes before the rest of the student body.
I'm sure I'll think of more.