Things I Fucking Hate

People who change lanes in the highway reeeeally slowly (ie, basically creeping into the other lane). People who merge onto the highway and then pick up speed. People who bring their shirts into the cleaners completely buttoned up. The grumpy old people of Westerly, RI.
-People who like to talk on the phone for a really long time.
-The conceited, flamboyant, androgynous cesspool known as the Louisville "goth" community.
-Anticipation - I've been waiting for Saturday for a long time, so naturally this week feels like it's been about a damn month.
-Toby Keith.
-Paris Hilton and the media coverage she receives.
-Prideful bitchiness.
-Stereotypical sassy fat black women and anyone who tries to emulate or glorify them.
-College comedy movies and the pop punk bands that populate their soundtracks.
-People (young or old) that have any form of "school spirit."
-Church youth ministers.
-Southern Baptists. Yes, all of them.
-The fact that college athletes can choose classes before the rest of the student body.

I'm sure I'll think of more.
Lunar Still, about the college athletes bit, Maddoxx has already explained what happens to them.

They can toss a football eighty yards, but chances are nobody will care when said person is bagging groceries.