things you hate with a passion

I hate that is cost me $40 to see a movie with my father tonight. The tickets were $10 each. Then, for a popcorn, two sodas and a box of candy, I was charged another $20. Honestly, it takes them a total of $5 to manufacture all of that crap and here I am, like a douchebag, paying 4x the price because I didn't have the time to pack some candy to bring along. All for a movie that he only half enjoyed and kind of dozed off while in the theatre. $40 is just... fucking ridiculous.
Where they really get you is the soda. They make like 150 times profit on it.
A friend who calls me 'emo' because I listen to metal left his iPod behind at my place. I had a scroll through it and found:
*Funeral Diner
*My Chemical Romance
*Jimmy Eat World
*The Used

Yeah. I'm the emo.
When you're eating tuna on toast in your boxers, and some of the tuna drops onto your balls.
You can't just eat that shit, it's been on your balls, and now you've gotta shower cos otherwise your balls are gonna smell like fish.
Where they really get you is the soda. They make like 150 times profit on it.
I remember one time I went into a movie theater, and they didn't even have a small soda to get. All they had was medium, large and extra large.

I hate sundays, those blasted church bells always wake me up in the dead of dawn (IE: way to early)
That's why I love living in the country, you don't here that shit.
Schwärzung;8451799 said:
A friend who calls me 'emo' because I listen to metal left his iPod behind at my place. I had a scroll through it and found:
*Funeral Diner
*My Chemical Romance
*Jimmy Eat World
*The Used

Yeah. I'm the emo.
Your friend sounds like a jerk but Funeral Diner is a very good band :kickass:
I hate slot reservations in TF2 servers.

When I'm just randomly shooting in the air as a soldier and I miss a crit rocket.

*nerd rage*
Family meetings. Listening to my parents reiterating the same points countless times while my sister bitches and cries.
Something I hate: Everybody and their brother using /b/ slang and cracking jokes they learned from /b/. Get your own goddamn sense of humor. Fuck trends.
Yeah, they are so horrible. The real experience is going to high schools that incorporate metal detectors at the door. That is the place where you get the real education not suburb schools.
I hate ignorant people, the ones who when I am at work decide to ignore the obvious, they ask me where something is when it's sitting there plain as day 5 feet away from their face.

As a person that manages to regularly do that, sometimes the obvious isn't THAT obvious to someone new to the building :cry:

That is the place where you get the real education not suburb schools.

Where you gonna use that rithmetic lark?
What you need is proper switchblade etiquette, and how to start a "crew".