things you hate with a passion

Yeah, they are so horrible. The real experience is going to high schools that incorporate metal detectors at the door. That is the place where you get the real education not suburb schools.

Agreed 100%. I also hate it when your parents think it is too "mean" to walk around in the "Nickelback sucks" t-shirt you spent so much time perfecting and making,:waah: although I highly doubt anyone here has shared that experience.
I really dislike when people use internet humor in real life. I mean, I get it, but damn it, I hate being the only one in the room who gets what the fat nerd is saying.

Also, when I say I follow many Buddhist principles and people go "omg Buddha is your god omg omg." Actually dumbass, when he was added to a pantheon of gods in his life he denied being a god and said something like "I am flesh and blood and I will die some day." Besides, Buddha himself was an Atheist.
nicely played, but still retarded to hate your high school because it is a "rich" one.
This reminds me of the thread where this one guy bitched about his mom who freaked out because he is always in his room and one time he blared something really loud about god being a pussy.
I just realized there really is nothing I hate. Like literally hate. There is some things that may bother me slightly like people who wear sunglasses in buildings or people who blatantly are assholes on the internet but once they step outside they're nothing more than cunts in the wind.

Just pointless to be one of those people who goes around hating alot of things and alot of people.
The one thing that "grinds my gears" on a daily basis is the bad drivers all around me. It's like they just hand out driver's licenses these days. Just because you can manage to stay between the lines (most of the time) and use your turn signal does NOT mean you are a capable driver.