things you hate with a passion

ITunes sucks, and so do Apple computers.
I've only used an Apple computer once, and that was to make/chop/star-swipe a seriously awful film about dead things. Er, the disposal of. The editing software was ok, but the system seemed wrong. It was like walking into a house that's identical to my own and thinking I'm home, but ... someone else lives there. And they smell of cabbage. :hypno:
That's really all it boils down to. There are a select few traits each have that cause one to lean one way or the other. But Mac users have to be arrogant dicks, so I oblige this misconception.

Joliet, eh? I lived in Preston Heights for a few months.
Being bored and yes, somewhat OCD, I went back and found it.

Um, that didn't prove shit. You found posts in which I insulted Matt, and then he questioned whether I remembered meeting him in the hotel room, which I did remember but didn't get around to commenting on because there was a ton of other shit being discussed in the thread and I was also drunk at the time of those posts. My memories did not go anywhere. I met Matt at least twice during the weekend, so I definitely didn't forget that I met him. Who I didn't meet were JP and swizzle.
Least of all the guy who writes unflattering reviews of Judas Priest albums, amirite?

Someone who has the perpetual maturity level of a petulant teenager with a rebellion complex has no business being a judge of intelligence. At any rate, as I assume you are aware, it's pretty clearly not intelligence that determines who you consider worthy of associating with, but how devoted to and 'in touch' with 'true metal' the person in question is. If you want to build your life that closely around a single interest, have at it, but all this acting like you're above everyone else who is not 'loyal to the cause' is incredibly juvenile.

I hope you actually think this is true.
I hope you actually think this is true.

There are other factors involved, of course, but there's plenty of evidence to suggest that you filter your list of "acceptable friends" mainly along the "true metal" standard. You're obviously very emotionally invested in this certain class of metal bands given how worshipfully you speak of them and how intolerant you are of criticism toward them. You also hold several odd grudges against various members here, which seem to revolve around music (unless you have a better explanation for hating, like, Andy... wtf?).

You can blow all this off with a smug "this guy is too stupid to even reply to" posturing if you want, but I think what I'm saying describes you pretty well.
I assure you that the people who I find aggravating on this forum I don't find to be so due to their taste in music.
only they really don't, even if that were the case what would it matter? Quality > who the product is targeted to
Obviously you have never seen an Mac or Ipod commercial. Granted Mac commercials are aimed at teen instead of tween girls, but still.

All Apple styling outside of the iPhone is inherently feminine.

Exactly. This is why Zune > Ipod.

The iPod touch is the exact same thing as the iPhone without the you know ... phone aspect. And the original iPods were big and clunky. Maybe Macbooks, but I mostly see guys with them.

lol no

A 5.5 gen video ipod with rockbox on it is better than just about any mp3 player out there aside from the Cowon S9
Rofl i almost got my hubcaps stolen by some my pals while driving through that area once. That area is almost as bad as the south side of Chicago

Fortunately the suburb i live in has only 3% black people