This HAS to be a joke

Tebus said:
It's not a matter of I need Christianity because I think life is pointless without going to heaven afterwards. Regardless of what is at the end of the tunnel, I still have faith in the moral messages in the Bible. But I certainly don't do anything out of fear of punishment in the end.

But it's unfortunate that there are many Christians that blindly follow the faith without questioning it or thinking about what it all means. They seem to just believe what they are told is the right thing to believe, and that is what causes many of the problems.

Wow. Good post here. Many atheists believe Christians trust in God/Jesus out of fear or that Christians are weaker because they need that warm fuzzy feeling. This is so false. I am speaking for true Christians, not fence-sitters. True Christians trust in God, Jesus, the bible because they want to. They truly believe there is a Heaven and Hell, and when you die, you go to one of those places. There is no fear of punishment.

The second paragraph is well said. It is not wrong to question the meaning of it all.

I know it's just a movie, but "Contact" put things sqarely in perspective when Matthew McConaughey's (spelling?) character said that "Our goal is one and the same, the search for truth". He said that when talking about the battle between creationists and evolutionists. Instead of constantly fighting, both groups should open their minds a bit and hear what the other group has to say.
I didn't read read the posts in this forum except the first.I'm not a christian and im not a satanist, but i think False Profit is wrong !
There are millions this kind of sites talking about satan and bands that have to do with this shit.Where the fuck is the difference.
Some ppl believe in Christ, well they do, i don't give a fuck.
Some ppl believe in Satan, well they do, i don't give a fuck either.
So, why do you care, this man is free to believe whatever he wants and say whatever he wants.You, don't curse him, you shup up and keep your opinion for yourself only...That's it...
Cheers !
About what I believe as a Christian.........a small example:

Earlier this year I was having one of my usual nights of insomnia and was up on the computer of course when I decided I should try and get some sleep. I went in my room and crashed for a while until I woke up at about 2 AM to some odd noises close to me. I sat up slightly and faced the window and saw strange shadows that aren't normally there, weaving together and in and out of each other. The wind was also blowing outside and there was extra pressure on my window, as it was tapping and vibrating a great deal. The shadow grew and assumed various strange forms and my room which had been warm grew colder and colder, even under the covers.
Then it started to scream and screech at me.
It sounded almost child like; but not in an innocent crying manner, rather a vengeful wailing as if it was part of a torture chain; giving and recieving hate. I felt a pressure from it's screams to come to it, or speak to it, or help it somehow, but I could not move. I was laying frozen; partially because I did not want to be near it, and partially because it's very presence locked me up. This presence was one of pure EVIL. Not a learned evil like you see and hear about with a serial killer or mad dictator or murderer, evil that was evil simply because it had not a shred of light or good, by it's very existence it was evil and had never been anything different. It didn't need acts to make it that way. It's presence exhumed a kind of godlessness I have never before or since felt, this thing could scream for centuries, and God would never hear it. Because God does not exist to the thing. It's locked in it's own state of damnation, as aforementioned it had not a single feeling of light or goodness about it.......and thus no godliness. I am not sure who here has ever known what that feels like, to literally feel an aura of an absolute of no hope, no light - no God, no higher being, no purpose, no happiness - not even in the furthest corners or small percentages of the mind. In our bad experiences we always find some small reason to go on no matter what it is and are never filled 100% with what the creature was made of. When it was around me I felt what it felt and have possibly never been so scared before or since.
I wanted to get up and turn on the light or run but couldn't of course, and I kept getting the feeling that the glass would shatter. But I stayed still and after a small period I felt an almost disgusted relief of some kind from it, and it left almost as if it had blown away on the wind. I didn't sleep another hour that night, and since my small experience of the essence of true evil - something most people *talk* about existing, but never really understand the scope of and existence itself of - I have concluded that any man who doesn't believe there is some kind of Creator and an absolute good and evil is a fool in that manner. That is not me trying to be harsh, "stuck up", or whatever, it has nothing to do with that - it's the fact that if you pay enough attention to life itself you will realize things like this do exist. To not understand that is to not understand life to the best of your ability. It almost narrows itself down to a mathematical structure - pure logic. It's like if you experience somehow or hear a story of something like a rape, or a war, etc - your view is changed forever because you know firsthand what it's all about.
What I saw and experienced had to be demonic in some function. I don't exactly believe in ghosts - I believe that the essence of a person's life and spirit and such can linger, anybody who is in touch with whatever spirituality they have can understand that - but I do not quite believe the soul itself lingers, as Scripture speaks of it rising only once more, when Christ returns. Therefore, I believe what paid me a visit was some sort of damned entity or demon.
Think about this - If you are not too spiritual, or do not know so much about matters of good and evil and know them in your soul, what kind of reaction would you have had to my experience? If you don't know what you're up against......and don't have a strong enough contrast in your own soul....would you have had a reason to be as horrified?
This experience, and many other experiences I've had - a few of this nature, but most just life experience and logic/intellect experience which I have not mentioned due to this long post - enforce my belief that Scripture is correct concerning Jesus Christ and all things that have to do with. No, I do not believe that all of the Bible is completely accurate - but I believe 100% that the Gospels and the New Testament in general is - and that is the centerpiece of the entire work. I am a Christian because I have had my soul spoken to - every day in little ways, and some days in giant ways - the way a key fits in a keyhole. It's written that God has revealed himself in the hearts of men. While this pertains to general moral and spiritual knowledge, I also believe a keyhole is included, and mine has been unlocked because of my experiences and the incredible way Scripture has pertained to them, and life (in the big picture) has been good since.
I hope this helps your curiosity - if you want to ask any more feel free to send me a PM or post or whatnot.
Hey, i am going to jump right in here. I haven't read all the posts, but have read about half and scanned most of the rest... first of all, congrats to everyone for being civil! It makes me feel good as a metalhead to know that not everyone into the genre is a closed minded asshole. OK, first i want to state i am not christian because i don't like being tied down to "catholic" or "baptist" or whatever. It's not my thing. Also, i personally don't believe in God as a person or entity as he is represented by many people. I believe God is more the concept of everything around us. i don't really know how to explain any better, so i won't try.

Another thing as i was looking at the christian metal site is i got to thinking about my stance on christian metal. I personally have nothing against christians, but i refuse to listen to christian metal. I have a narnia promo which has many god references and such, and i won't listen to it even though i personally like the musical style. Same with other christian bands of many styles... once the thing with God comes up it's like... game over. I don't really understand why it turns me off of the band, but it does. I am not really closed minded, though i do get irritated by it, just as i get irritated when people at my school refuse to attend a biology class simply because the teacher is going to talk about evolution for a few days as a scientific possibility. They don't understand that they won't teach creationism because it's not scientific... anyway, i am rambling right about now. I will stop.
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theoddyssey: I'll take a guess that the reason you're turned off by the mentioning of God in lyrics, is that you don't believe in the same manner, and you probably don't take too well to being preached to. Like I said, it's just a guess, but I have the same stance on christians, I don't dislike them or anything, I can easily have a conversation with a christian person. Just not about religion, and I will certainly leave when they attempt to feed me their beliefs.
Take this example. My girlfriend had a civil confirmation, but her grandparents gave her a bible. I'd be pissed off had it happened to me, ESPECIALLY when that young and trying to make the point that you're not christian.

Anyway, I digress.. Take care.
Hmmm... Grandparents... they just don't get it, do they?
Nice thread so far, it's the first religious discussion I've seen on ANY internet forum that hasn't degenerated into ridicule, flaming or harassment. Well done.
That said, I'm a true atheist, and have no real respect for religion or religious people, but you can always be civil about it. I generally believe that religion is an obstacle to be overcome in the mental evolution of mankind, a thing that hampers and oppresses our free minds.
I like satanic music, but I'm no satanist (nor a nazi or right-wing extremist, far from it), for me it is just about resisting christianity(and religion in general).

edit: When I said I don't respect religious people I really meant their religious beliefs, not themselves. I can totally respect a religious person on many levels, but not his/hers belief itself.
if being a 'true atheist' means that you have 'no respect for religious people' then i don't like the sound of atheism at all........

it certainly isn't the case that being a 'true christian' must have 'no respect fot atheists and agnostics'! Malleus said, he respects religious people, but he doesn't respect their religious beliefs.

Again, I don't think that this is well expressed. We said that everybody has a different opinion on something and we should accept this. Imagine that people were all the same with the same ideas! It would suck! Maybe, Malleus was meaning what I am saying, that he can't help himself of NOT discriminate between relious and non-religious poeple. As I said before, I respect my grandma's beliefs, and I respect my grandma as my grandma but if you would ask me to tell you the grey list of people that I know and I may love them as well and that list would be with respect of their inner beliefs and personality, my grandma would definetely be in there, as all the relious people I know, together of course with some non-religious who may lack of something else. I have many religious friends, and I I can see this in many things they say (that has nothing to do with religion). They are different, and this is because they have a different aspect of life in their minds. But, I respect them,. I mean I respect people that deserve my respect either they are religious or not.
As you may have realised at this point, I am not concerned of the religious part of the thing, but I am concerned for the human's psychology and brain. Even if I study electronics...hehe
I get peeved to put it very mildly at the hard-core Christians that want to give you an hour long hell fire speech, but if a Christian person came up to me, handed me a Christian metal CD and said something simple like "Jesus loves you" or whatever I would be appreciative and give it a whirl. I don't dislike the Christians that are respectful of your space and don't take up too much of your time. The same would apply if someone handed me some death metal CD that was full of anti-Christian songs. I am tolerant of people of all religions, I don't care if the worship Maytag appliances. Whaever floats their boat, but don't force your crap on me. I have met people that I wanted to slap the piss out of. A newsgroup I once posted to had this guy that talked about "Magik" on every freaking post he made. I mean the guy was the Jahova Witness of whatever religion it was he was trying to promote. You would think it was the damned David Copperfield newsgroup with a bad speller there. Arrghhh!!!
To make a long reply even longer, >:p~ I don't really care if Christian metal bands start popping up everywhere. Many secular bands use religion based lyrics as a crutch anyway because they have nothing better to write about. There are people out there that like both and more power to them. I personally value my time and being constantly pissed off at God or constantly praising him does not make my top 100 list of things Bryant needs/wants to do. I guess it's nice to know that if God pisses me off I have some way to vent or if I get "saved" I have a place to get Cristian metal, but I wouldn't hold my breath if I were a band that bases their music on religion for my order.

I hear ya, Bryant. Nothing pisses me off more than a religious person trying to force his beliefs on me. Oh wait there is, I fuckin' hate hypocrites that claim to be christians. Holy shit! I swear i'm surrounded by that kind of people, they criticize others for not believing in a god and they don't watch their own failures.

Imagine that people were all the same with the same ideas! It would suck!
I agree.
Wow....I've missed so much of this.....I'm in a serious ranting mood, but my mind is quite blank, which is strange, so I'll just reply to some of the more recent comments, with some fairly unintelligent, immature crap........

but if a Christian person came up to me, handed me a Christian metal CD and said something simple like "Jesus loves you" or whatever I would be appreciative and give it a whirl. I don't dislike the Christians that are respectful of your space and don't take up too much of your time.

I DO dislike the ones who are ignorant and come out with crap like 'Ohh, you'll go to hell for not believing' and 'You can't prove that God doesn't exist!'. Those are the two most annoying comments ever, and I get them frequently. I mean the kind of people who won't even give my logical views a chance, but will instead throw some bullshit at me which doesn't even make sense. I like some Christians, as long as they have intelligence and use it. The ones who keep an open mind, whom I can discuss things with intellectually.

When I said I don't respect religious people I really meant their religious beliefs, not themselves. I can totally respect a religious person on many levels, but not his/hers belief itself.

Most certainly.

Earlier this year I was having one of my usual nights of insomnia and was up on the computer of course when I decided I should try and get some sleep. I went in my room and crashed for a while until I woke up at about 2 AM to some odd noises close to me. I sat up slightly and faced the window and saw strange shadows that aren't normally there, weaving together and in and out of each other. The wind was also blowing outside and there was extra pressure on my window, as it was tapping and vibrating a great deal. The shadow grew and assumed various strange forms and my room which had been warm grew colder and colder, even under the covers.
Then it started to scream and screech at me.
It sounded almost child like; but not in an innocent crying manner, rather a vengeful wailing as if it was part of a torture chain; giving and recieving hate. I felt a pressure from it's screams to come to it, or speak to it, or help it somehow, but I could not move. I was laying frozen; partially because I did not want to be near it, and partially because it's very presence locked me up. This presence was one of pure EVIL. Not a learned evil like you see and hear about with a serial killer or mad dictator or murderer, evil that was evil simply because it had not a shred of light or good, by it's very existence it was evil and had never been anything different. It didn't need acts to make it that way. It's presence exhumed a kind of godlessness I have never before or since felt, this thing could scream for centuries, and God would never hear it. Because God does not exist to the thing. It's locked in it's own state of damnation, as aforementioned it had not a single feeling of light or goodness about it.......and thus no godliness. I am not sure who here has ever known what that feels like, to literally feel an aura of an absolute of no hope, no light - no God, no higher being, no purpose, no happiness - not even in the furthest corners or small percentages of the mind. In our bad experiences we always find some small reason to go on no matter what it is and are never filled 100% with what the creature was made of. When it was around me I felt what it felt and have possibly never been so scared before or since.

I found this quite an interesting read. Your experience seems far-fetched, although I'm certain that you aren't lying. I believe however that, even if there is a creature which has lost all good and light, this doesn't necessarily mean that it has lost a 'higher being' as well.
I think that Christianity is a state of mind (as are all religions). A reliance on a form of higher being, comforting the person when times are bad. This is however a weakness, not a strength. Relying on anything is a weakness. Relying on something that can't be logically proven is even more of a weakness, although Christians obviously don't share the same views about that. I'm sure that many Christians have complete trust and belief of Christ. There's nothing I can say to these people, because their views won't be changed. If something I'd trusted and believed in all my life, was suddenly disproven, I'd be crushed, confused and generally hurt. But I'd still encourage these people to open their eyes, and at least be slightly logical.
This sense of evil you felt, may have just been perceived as being evil by you. Everything is about perception. I don't believe there is such thing as 'pure evil' but having not shared your experience, I am perhaps not the best person to say.

It's not a matter of I need Christianity because I think life is pointless without going to heaven afterwards. Regardless of what is at the end of the tunnel, I still have faith in the moral messages in the Bible. But I certainly don't do anything out of fear of punishment in the end.

But religion in general causes so much pain and suffering, through war. Do the moral messages outweigh this? Perhaps. But the Bible contradicts itself too often.

it's worth bearing in mind that this argument against the value of religious belief is going to sound pretty empty to a christian.

You're absolutely right. If I try to see things from a Christian perspective, I can think of a hundred ways to disagree with every comment I've just made. Having re-read it, I've worded a lot of stuff badly. I have that problem. I know what I mean, but I can't put it into words. I'm sure I'll get better at that in time..:)

Thanks for reading....Please constructively criticise....I enjoy religious debates, even though my understanding is limited.
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Just a thought, GOD (that was awkward :lol: ) It's very hard to be logical with religion, you can't rely on logic everytime, however i'm not saying that a god does exist. They are beliefs, feelings and as you may know you can't explain what you feel sometimes.

I think that Christianity is a state of mind (as are all religions). A reliance on a form of higher being, comforting the person when times are bad. This is however a weakness, not a strength. Relying on anything is a weakness.

I fail to see how you can be weaker by relying on a god, however I see where you are coming from. When you get married you hope you'll have someone who you can rely on when you get older and i've never seen someone call marriage a weakness. It takes strenght sometimes to admit when you're weak and when you need help, life is fragile as you may know.

Sometimes the most powerful people on the outside are the most weak on the inside and a lot of them tend to have your own logic (i'm not saying you're weak) they won't rely on anyone, so no one will see how weak they are on the inside.
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I fail to see how you can be weaker by relying on a god, however I see where you are coming from. When you get married you hope you'll have someone who you can rely on when you get older and i've never seen someone call marriage a weakness. It takes strenght sometimes to admit when you're weak and when you need help, life is fragile as you may know.

I understand you. I actually meant relying on something mentally, where-as relying on a marriage partner when you get older, is more physical. I agree that it takes strength to admit when you're weak, although when the sentence is put that way, no one could possibly admit to it (you can't be strong if you're weak).

Sometimes the most powerful people on the outside are the most weak on the inside and a lot of them tend to have your own logic (i'm not saying you're weak) they won't rely on anyone, so no one will see how weak they are on the inside

Final Fantasy VIII flashbacks for me here....Heh.
You are right, and I'm too confused to back up my comment, so I'll just submit reply now...
I understand you. I actually meant relying on something mentally, where-as relying on a marriage partner when you get older, is more physical. I agree that it takes strength to admit when you're weak, although when the sentence is put that way, no one could possibly admit to it (you can't be strong if you're weak).

There's nothing physical when you get older, trust me :p. Actually, when people get older is when they need someone to rely on, emotional and mental wise. I totally understand you, though.

You are right, and I'm too confused to back up my comment, so I'll just submit reply now...

That's ok :D

oh and btw, thanks Fourka for the rep. point :headbang:
Ultimate_Symphony said:
There's nothing physical when you get older, trust me :p. Actually, when people get older is when they need someone to rely on, emotional and mental wise. I totally understand you, though.

Ok, you're right again probably. :p
Guardian of Darkness said:
I found this quite an interesting read. Your experience seems far-fetched, although I'm certain that you aren't lying. I believe however that, even if there is a creature which has lost all good and light, this doesn't necessarily mean that it has lost a 'higher being' as well.
I think that Christianity is a state of mind (as are all religions). A reliance on a form of higher being, comforting the person when times are bad. This is however a weakness, not a strength. Relying on anything is a weakness. Relying on something that can't be logically proven is even more of a weakness, although Christians obviously don't share the same views about that. I'm sure that many Christians have complete trust and belief of Christ. There's nothing I can say to these people, because their views won't be changed. If something I'd trusted and believed in all my life, was suddenly disproven, I'd be crushed, confused and generally hurt. But I'd still encourage these people to open their eyes, and at least be slightly logical.
This sense of evil you felt, may have just been perceived as being evil by you. Everything is about perception. I don't believe there is such thing as 'pure evil' but having not shared your experience, I am perhaps not the best person to say.

I see. Well first of all thanks for not playing a fool and getting all up in my "grill" about me supposedly lying or whatnot the way some people do. :p

I can relate it - in a very small sense of course - to, say....... hearing heavy metal for the first time. :D Most of your viewpoint sounds the same as mine before I delved while a bit of a confusing map, it's easy to understand. I will try and go in order responding to your

About the being... Hell as described in Scripture is an existence seperated from God, and of course God is known as the master, the very ESSENCE of all that is good and of light and love. So in that case, bowing to the other extreme end of the spectrum, the thing was indeed "hellish" if you will - that is, with no quality or essence of God flowing through it, and without any of the yin, there is only the yang, so to speak. Thus pure evil, simply by existence, and of course, it's very hard to understand that - because we have no experience with it. No matter how far you "feel" from God you are never truly abandoned. Also from a more "philisophical" standpoint, everything we know can eventually be boiled down to that simple duality of right and wrong or good and evil, et al - much much more then it can be boiled down to a bunch of ugly shades of gray in the middle.

Belief in the truth of Christ is a state of mind - but also a state of heart and soul... and as a matter of fact, it was logic that brought me to believe what I did in the first place. Every man has a certain law in him, and with that a "keyhole" as I mentioned, and when I got rid of the "religious" things diluting my negative opinion of God, Christ, etc, I found many things in Scripture that pertained to and made sense of all those strange inhibitions that can't quite be explained - the missing link. With this I studied bibical history and many different forms of philosophy - my own and others' - and other "religions" and such and ended up coming full circle and accepting Christ as the truth. And that's when I trusted God for who he is and his promises and etc. So, it has never been a crutch or just throwing something into my life in order to make it full. Christ can fit any keyhole - but the fence riders and "religious" people do not realize theirs is needing to be filled, they are selfish, scared, superficial, and without true faith, therefore you see none of God's light in them because they haven't truly accepted him. In that case only, their relying IS a weakness. In asking for more "physical" proof of God or whatnot, of course we have nothing of that but the nature and world around us (though there are advances being made in that field linked to a Creator, thankfully!) - but in my view perhaps this is a better thing, as to keep us wondering, wanting to learn more, and help keep us on a true faithful WALK with God, that's why it's called a walk, that kind of spiritual life is a true progression, all the time. Also, there are many many things that cannot be "proven" in a technical sense - technically we can't even prove we're not all in some gigantic matrix that only encompasses about 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the universe...and so on.. But another point to look at is that the knowledge of that isn't quite as important as the knowledge presented with the idea of salvation. Because I trust in the Gospels due to the extraordinary way the messages have spoken to me in my life on various levels, this led me to accepting the salvation presented. And it is much more productive, and enriching to the soul, to follow this sort of faith, which at least has some sort of enduring promise - the biggest, most glorious, and in actuality if one does enough research - logical, promise - rather then things we pretty much know for a fact are temporary and superficial. If in the case - and I don't believe this is possible - but let's just say, fictionally speaking, in the instance there comes some gigantic, completely logical and proved conclusion that every single aspect we know about life and everything I know about God and spirituality is wrong. Well, that's terrible, but at least it was better then spending time on 1 lie then 200. A marraige may not work out eventually, but at least you did your best, stayed true, and placed your faith in the most stable thing you knew, rather then spread it around to 100 partners in the same timespan and making a bigger error. I am not at ALL saying I just settled for the best thing there was available, or that anyone should, so please nobody take me wrong on that, but it is only coming from the viewpoint of a critical thinker, communicating with another critical thinker (yourself), and attempting to strike some different points and chords to those outside of my own viewpoint and without as much faith, in order to help rationalize what I am saying a bit more - placed in that fictional setting I created.

Hope this is enlightening to your questions. :)
dill_the_devil said:
In case there are any Christians reading this, I'd recommend Soul Embraced, Living Sacrifice, Figure Four, The Agony Scene and Norma Jean.
Haha...:lol: For some reason that was the PERFECT way to end your post!