This is SO funny and SO horrible...

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A God in my own mind
Nov 15, 2001
Atlanta and Chicago
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well it's not horrible to me... i think it's great... but I'm sorry if I offend any of you very few Catholics out there... but this is just too great...


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Too funny... I was forced to go to a Catholic school from the age of 6 to 10. I still remember my "first communion". After we were given "the host" {wafer} on our tongues one boy started to scream "I ate a duck! I ate a duck!". While the rest of us started laughing, the nuns escorted the young lad out of the church. I am not making up the fact that I never saw that boy again. :eek:
best Jesus comment from SP is from the movie:

"Do you guys know where I can find the clitoris?"
"What? Is that like finding Jesus or something?"
HAHAHA.. true true... I love it when Stan's like "Oh ok... no Cartman... I see... Jesus wanted us to eat him... but he didn't want us to be cannibles... so he turned himself into crackers"
Originally posted by musicholic
Too funny... I was forced to go to a Catholic school from the age of 6 to 10. I still remember my "first communion". After we were given "the host" {wafer} on our tongues one boy started to scream "I ate a duck! I ate a duck!". While the rest of us started laughing, the nuns escorted the young lad out of the church. I am not making up the fact that I never saw that boy again. :eek:

those wafers taste damn good
When I was in grade 5 (10 years old) one of the boys in my class accidentially got handed 2 wafers at church, so he put the other one in his pocket and brought it back to school and put it in his lunch box for a snack later on. He told this geek named Jeff and Jeff went to the teacher in class and told her about it (in front of everyone). It was such a big fucking deal, the teacher looked like she was going to faint from panic or something and all the kids were like "GASP!!!". Anyway, the kid has to return the wafer, write an apology to the priest and another one to "god" (recieved by the teacher on "god's" behalf), and he got 2 weeks detention on top of that. I thought the same thing then that I think now: all because of a little fucking wafer in his lunch box? Has the world gone completely insane? Apparently, it has, and it has remained there ever since.

Originally posted by Satori
Has the world gone completely insane? Apparently, it has, and it has remained there ever since.

It has always been. But gets stupidier all the time. More people = more stupidity. But at least those religious fanatics give me a good laugh every once in a while. Like this little story of yours, it made me laugh.
This is something I seen on the internet on some shirt... I post it here because it fits under This is SO funny and SO horrible label.

Necrophilia: pop open a cold one
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