This is what America does...

Porn has never been so easy and accessible as it is on redtube ya know? I remember the days when I had to get on Limewire and wait forever for it to download and not even know if it was any good or not.
btw also det som engang var i know you love drugs but the fact that your drug talks about how much anxiety you have and about how you can't handle it unless you use drugs really is permeating the entire board. i have anxiety too, you should try maybe just finding a way to deal with it besides drugging the fuck out of yourself.

You don't know him personally, therefore this statement renders to shit.
Are you talking about your anxiety? I have anxiety problems as well, I just don't really like to talk about them so I'll stop, don't want to come off as whiny. But yeah, weed sometimes makes it worse and I become more irritable :/
You don't know him personally, therefore this statement renders to shit.

i realize that, i'm just saying that the intensity of the drugs that he's taking from a fucking drug dealer is not going to help him the long run, its really going to fuck him up. i have anxiety too, i know how fucking shitty it is and they offered me some stuff like valium or whatever and while that would work and stuff, people should at least try dealing with that kind of stuff naturally, it doesn't work all the time but it doesn't hurt to try and if you don't you could end up fucking your head up. once again this is another take tons of pills vs try to do it naturally/hippy way which is a debate that no one can convince another side of usually.
man, lunar still and lord foul are the only people in this thread that i think really have made their point without putting bias in it and shit like that. i'm not going to argue anymore though because this topic is so loaded with emotions that theres no way to convince someone of any other things despite the facts as opposed to emotions.

Of course this is ladden with emotions, because the whole topic is about an emotional act. But I, for one, can come to perfectly rational reasons to stand by my opinion: I'm opposed to throwing a puppy off a cliff (and the general acceptance of it, because there are things that are supposed to be "more" important) because it opens the door to unnecessary cruelty. So, who knows, maybe I'll find myself one day in a warlike situation and I'd definitely prefer not to have a situation where the cause justifies all the means, because your argumentation implies a spiral of violence.