this stuff turns your hair into strands of elastic

Lord of Metal said:
Well, the thing is.....I saw this deer on the side of the road. So I grabbed my out of the truck....but....I kind of left the truck in drive.....
Yeah, exchange "deer" with "sheep" and "gun" with "penis" that what really happened, sweetie?
hmm... been dying it for 13 yrs now. the last huge loss of it was in 1995.

everybody, be happy, obey, for you're not on chemotherapy that makes every single hair on your body go away. :) OK, the strongest type of chemo...
BlackwaterNymph said:
*doesn't want her wendys cheeseburger so much anymore* ...oh who am I kidding...*continues to eat* I deserve it, I have pms.

*doesn't want his egg nog anymore either* oh fuck it *continues to drink* I deserve it, because I'm a white middle class male and I get blamed for everything.