chrome brought two of the cookies in. i ate one, and it was ok. in fact, it was TASTY. then he couldn't finish the one he was eating, so i took it and got a mouthfull of SALMON, oh god!!!! nasty nasty nasty. then i took a cookie into the bathroom with me while i was drying my hair. first bite was ok, second bite was ok, third bite was SALMON :ill:

chrome, next time think about what pan you're using :lol:
......But still you're saying, "Faggot is as faggot does with every little faggot thing a faggot do." I'M NOT INSANE, I'M NOT INSANE....I'M JUST SMARTER THAN YOU!
ct_thrash said:
chrome brought two of the cookies in. i ate one, and it was ok. in fact, it was TASTY. then he couldn't finish the one he was eating, so i took it and got a mouthfull of SALMON, oh god!!!! nasty nasty nasty. then i took a cookie into the bathroom with me while i was drying my hair. first bite was ok, second bite was ok, third bite was SALMON :ill:

chrome, next time think about what pan you're using :lol:

hahahahahaha it's like seafood roulette - will it taste like salmon? or will you be fine and fulfilled?
ct_thrash said:
chrome brought two of the cookies in. i ate one, and it was ok. in fact, it was TASTY. then he couldn't finish the one he was eating, so i took it and got a mouthfull of SALMON, oh god!!!! nasty nasty nasty. then i took a cookie into the bathroom with me while i was drying my hair. first bite was ok, second bite was ok, third bite was SALMON :ill:

chrome, next time think about what pan you're using :lol:

Oh man, that is fucking hilarious, as is this entire thread. Thanks for the laughs!
wow.... and I remember when you guys picked me up for the first time to go to see Will and his band in Phillie (that was the day we ate Taco HELL)
and we talked about the Salmon cookies in the car! :lol:

wow... that was indeed a while ago!

Remember how cold it was?

Wait... was it the same night when we got the great Albert pic ?