Thoughts on older mainstream hard rock/metal bands

The only nu-metal I can stomach is Otep

prob cuz Otep is a very interesting person. I saw her on Def Poetry on HBO some time ago, her poetry reading was quite good. Better than some of her songs which are about 3 minutes of psychobabble :)
progophile? name any genre...ill trump you on your best day, and my worst day.

thats what confused me, i even thought you were kidding for a moment there. nu-metal/hardcore or whatever anyone calls it, it's just another genre and there are some really intense bands in that just struck me as odd that you disregard o whole style completely...hell, not even good old suicidal tendancies? dont you even have any guilty pleasures here?
The only nu-metal I can stomach is Otep

prob cuz Otep is a very interesting person. I saw her on Def Poetry on HBO some time ago, her poetry reading was quite good. Better than some of her songs which are about 3 minutes of psychobabble :)

No Wrath, ftlog...Otep is a retarded cunt with low self-esteem and gingivitis.
Btw, the Deftones are the only really great nu metal band in existence.
Everything about her fucking blows and my statement was based on the shit pre-teen ''metal'' music she produces, that cunt has no talent...and i thought you were getting better :(
name any genre...ill trump you on your best day, and my worst day.

See there's a problem here, NFU. To me, listening to music isn't a competition, its a hobby and passtime. Try as you might, but you can't trump me on any day, let alone your worst (which would frankly be disgusting to witness as all your days are pretty horrible) because I'm not in any kind of duel with you. I was just pointing out your disagreeable attitude and vastly oversized sense of worth to another poster to hopefully save them the hassle of trying to take you seriously.
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The only nu-metal I can stomach is Otep

prob cuz Otep is a very interesting person. I saw her on Def Poetry on HBO some time ago, her poetry reading was quite good. Better than some of her songs which are about 3 minutes of psychobabble :)

I've only heard "Menocide" which was simply unspectacular and some song that was the most blatant ripoff of Korn's "Daddy" ever which was absolutely godawful. I guess it was her attempt at a "Me and a Gun" but done in idiot stereotypical nu-metal style, it was terrible. She does seem much more intelligent than your average metal chick, but that's not a big accomplishment ^_^