
As the topic was Thyrfing I'd like to say that they're really great. My first album was the selfnamed one and I was very disappointed about that one. "Urkraft" kicks ass!
But my personal kings of Viking Metal besides Mithotyn are Einherjer. Blessings upon "Odin Owns Ye All", greatest Viking tunes I've ever heard! What a pity they broke up...
R.I.P. Einherjer
Kaess said:
As the topic was Thyrfing I'd like to say that they're really great. My first album was the selfnamed one and I was very disappointed about that one. "Urkraft" kicks ass!
I got into Thyrfing because of "Urkraft", too. And then I went to a concert and after that I bought all their CDs all at once! But the selftitled album is NOT dissapointing to me, because for a first album it`s very good. And also it`s very origin... I never wanna miss it, I looove songs like "Going berserk", "Raveneyes" or "Vargavinter"! (Now by writing this I got myself in the mood for it! *Twi is off to put "Thyrfing" into the CD player* :Spin: )
DeadWinterDead said:
I have heard a few of their songs from each album, but I really enjoy Urkraft. I love their cover of Gary Moore's "Over the Hills and Far Away".

:erk: That's the only song that i didnt really like on this album... I dont like a lot Gary Moore, and their cover sound like Stratovarius and i found this kind of band boring...
All the Thyrfing albums are GREAT! The lastest V something I think it means crazy....??? Anyways there is know way in hell I could spell it without looking at it and I'm lazy. But, the approch they took was way heavier and less folk sounding, I was kind if sad about that. But still the creative sound is still there, I hope they release something heavy but a little more tradtional as well. I'ts crazy that I do not know anyone who likes this band except 2 people I introduced to it, and that there are people everywhere who actually enjoy it as well.
erm...bathorys viking albums influenced just about every other viking band in even though he has really crap voclas at times..

Ive always preffered finntroll to thyrfing evn though theyre not that similar...also falkenbach are decent, ulver's bergtatt and kveldssanger albums...hell too many to list.

Now Playing - Ensiferum - Lai Lai Hei
as per the Thyrfing website:

Q: What does "Vansinnesvisor" mean?
A: “Songs of Madness”, “...insanity”, “...lunacy”
Twilightheart said:
Hm... unfortunately my english isn`t good enough to know the exact difference between insanity and madness... :Smug:

Well I can't speak a word of Swedish so you already know more than I do! That comment was not in any way intended to offend you, I was actually asking rather than correcting. Sorry if it came out wrong..
"Most of the bands that have been inspired by Bathorys so called "viking metal"-era, are just crappy B-clones *spit*.."

Hahaha, brilliant. That includes us, so you might as well throw your Thyrfing-albums away. Roskiin vaan...

And the comment to Herr Hedlund was indeed, as Twilightheart (hi!) says there because Andreas was supposed to do some vox on Urkraft, but it didn't really work out in the end due to practical problems.

I'll always cherish the one rehearsal he did come and do with us in Tyresö though... still a talented fucker and one of the nicest guys in metal. And, although his latest stuff my not be my cup of tea I'm very proud to say I've shared the microphone with him.
Vansinne said:
"Most of the bands that have been inspired by Bathorys so called "viking metal"-era, are just crappy B-clones *spit*.."

Hahaha, brilliant. That includes us, so you might as well throw your Thyrfing-albums away. Roskiin vaan...

"Most" doesn't mean "all". Argh, I'm sick and tired of discussing the subject anymore, could we just let this be for now. I've quit a good while ago, and you all do the same, right? I still stand behind my words, but I admit that I happened to lose my nerves here and there and said things a bit more strictly than was in purpose, but at the moment I'm interested in concentrating in completely different things and shall not continue with this subject. Over and out.

EDIT: By saying "Most of the Bathory-inspired bands", I meant that Most of the bands that are clearly following Bathory's footsteps, trying to continue Bathory's "traditions" and straightly taking elements used by Bathory are mostly total crap. Hope that my point become clearer now.

Thyrfingistä olen ensimmäisestä levystä lähtien pitänyt oikeasti todella paljon, sillä siinä on tunnelmaa, asennetta sekä meininkiä, mutta viikinki-Bathorystä kaikessa laahaavuudessaan, tylsyydessään sekä mitäänsanomattomuudessaan en todellakaan, eikä minun tietääkseni ole mikään pakkokaan. Kyllä yhtyeenne tuotanto kuulostaa minulle täysin omaltaan, enkä kovin mielelläni edes puhuisi Thyrfingistä ja Bathorystä samassa lauseessa. Että sellaista. Englannin kielen taitoni nyt ovat sitä luokkaa että oli itseasiassa alunperinkin virhe alkaa meikäläisen vääntää viikinkimetalliaiheesta tällä laudalla, mutta tehty mikä tehty ja virheistä jopa opittukin. Toivon ettei aiheesta tarvitsisi enää vääntää kenenkään kanssa.