Time for Anders to leave IF


Morgan Freeman
Feb 29, 2004
Anders is awesome on Jester Race/Whoracle/Colony, but seriously...if you're gonna use clean vocs get a half-decent clean singer. The dude from Soilwork or Hypocrisy or something...
AlphaTemplar said:
Anders is awesome on Jester Race/Whoracle/Colony, but seriously...if you're gonna use clean vocs get a half-decent clean singer. The dude from Soilwork or Hypocrisy or something...
it's time for you to stop posting bulldhit no ?
man i havent posted in like a good 6 months and people are still arguing over anders lol hahah any way my two cents - he fucking blows asshole now his growl is gone and forgotten. he CANT SING i dont care what anyone says he just cant. i prefer to remember the inflames that had growls and beutiful guitar melodies, and forget the inflames that has screecthing dying cat vocals and simple dumb guitar riffs, and likes to shoot gay black and white videos in hollywood. just my opinion but when it comes down to it we arent in the band so it doesnt matter what we think they are gonna make shitty music or good music based on what they want to do, and thats that. so instead go listen to INSOMNIUM god i love this band sooooo goood
It's weird because Anders did little clean bits in the past and never sounded like John Davis from Korn. He does now, the entire band is to blame for the outdated nu-metal direction they want to play. It's sad a great band decided they did not want to play their instruments anymore. Did not want to write good songs,solos and guitar harmonies anymore. I think the band should call it quits and stop embarassing themselves.
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I wouldn't mind the change of direction if it was done well. If they truly were tired of melodic death and wanted an alternative metal sound, they could have at least tried to make it sound good. They failed at that as well.
I agree with most of what Nick says...

But Ensiferum suck big balls. Too heavy with renaissance faire cheesiness for my ears.

And I still like Anders vox. Although there are parts that make you want to take to him with a pitchfork...
anonymousnick2001 said:

would you please marry me? I can't cook and I have short hair.
Its amazing you guys are still bitching about the same damn thing you were a year ago.

oh yeah I like Anders vox. If I wanted him to sound like Speed Strid or Mike Stanne Id go listen to their respective bands. By the way I was impressed with both DT and SOILWORKS new cds. But I knew I would be anyways.
I ain't marrying no bitch that can't even cook. Sucka!

The new Soilwork sucked dick. The new DT, however, was a masterpiece.
I wanted to like it. I heard a promising sample...and I had my hopes. I listened to a few full tracks after that, and it was like 1, 2, 3, defecaaaaaatiooooonnnnnnnn!!!

I expected DT to run into the ground (Damage Done was good but lackluster). They were surprising. Blastbeats back, new riffs, great use of keyboards, amazing album.

However, those who want to hear what Soilwork could have been, they can check out Disarmonia Mundi.