Time for Anders to leave IF

Its amazing you guys are still bitching about the same damn thing you were a year ago.

oh yeah I like Anders vox. If I wanted him to sound like Speed Strid or Mike Stanne Id go listen to their respective bands. By the way I was impressed with both DT and SOILWORKS new cds. But I knew I would be anyways.

FUCKING THANK YOU!!!! Leave the fucking guy alone! His lyrics still kick ass and he has been a huge part in the development of In Flames. I dare you to go start a band, and keep making the same exact cd over and over again. Don't change it up, don't try new things, don't write new songs, just release the same stuff every time. Because that is what you're asking them to do. I think he is awesome, I always have and always will, and I will never abandon In Flames just because it's popular to do so. You guys think you're above the rap and pop fans because you've got this integrity or something, but you're just the same. You like or dislike one thing or another because of what some underground metal site tells you to do. It's pathetic, and sad at the exact same time.
WarHammer said:
FUCKING THANK YOU!!!! Leave the fucking guy alone! His lyrics still kick ass and he has been a huge part in the development of In Flames. I dare you to go start a band, and keep making the same exact cd over and over again. Don't change it up, don't try new things, don't write new songs, just release the same stuff every time. Because that is what you're asking them to do. I think he is awesome, I always have and always will, and I will never abandon In Flames just because it's popular to do so. You guys think you're above the rap and pop fans because you've got this integrity or something, but you're just the same. You like or dislike one thing or another because of what some underground metal site tells you to do. It's pathetic, and sad at the exact same time.
oh joy.. another "metallica" fan.
WarHammer said:
I dare you to go start a band, and keep making the same exact cd over and over again. Don't change it up, don't try new things, don't write new songs, just release the same stuff every time. Because that is what you're asking them to do.

Ah, the good old "disliking STYE automatically equals to wanting carbon copies of The Jester Race" -argument...
Jabi said:
Ah, the good old "disliking STYE automatically equals to wanting carbon copies of The Jester Race" -argument...

Ok, so argue against it. I apologize if I've offended if you simply don't like STYE, I truly didn't mean to. This thread's topic was if Anders should be kicked out, which I find absurd. I personally like all In Flames, but I have been led to believe that their decisions are group decisions, so if they've gone "bad" supposedly, I hardly think we can blame it squarely on Anders. You've labelled my argument, now argue against it. I guarantee if you come up with a million arguments for how bad the new music is, I will match you with just as many on why I like it and think it is good. It comes down to a matter of opinion, which I myself forget on many occasions. My opinion is that all In Flames is good, and I respect Anders still. I understand my opinion is in the minority, but it remains simply my opinion.
WarHammer said:
Ok, so argue against it. I apologize if I've offended if you simply don't like STYE, I truly didn't mean to. This thread's topic was if Anders should be kicked out, which I find absurd. I personally like all In Flames, but I have been led to believe that their decisions are group decisions, so if they've gone "bad" supposedly, I hardly think we can blame it squarely on Anders. You've labelled my argument, now argue against it. I guarantee if you come up with a million arguments for how bad the new music is, I will match you with just as many on why I like it and think it is good. It comes down to a matter of opinion, which I myself forget on many occasions. My opinion is that all In Flames is good, and I respect Anders still. I understand my opinion is in the minority, but it remains simply my opinion.

1. You did not offend me.
2. I don't hate STYE (anymore), even though it's my least favorite IF album. And I'm looking forward to the next one.
3. I don't think Anders should be kicked out. He's still the best guy for IF, even if I don't always like his cleans.
4. I do realize Anders isn't the only one responsible for the change of the In Flames sound.

I only wanted to say it's not like disliking STYE and wanting In Flames not to evolve always walk hand in hand. Peace.
For those who say that Anders must leave IF - YOU NEITHER UNDERSTAND HIS LYRICS NOR HAVE HIS PAIN AND PASSION FOR MUSIC.You don't deserve to hear the preciousness of his voice , for you is the rattling of the pebbles.Start cursing now ,this is YOUR WAY of expression.
WarHammer said:
FUCKING THANK YOU!!!! Leave the fucking guy alone! His lyrics still kick ass and he has been a huge part in the development of In Flames. I dare you to go start a band, and keep making the same exact cd over and over again. Don't change it up, don't try new things, don't write new songs, just release the same stuff every time. Because that is what you're asking them to do. I think he is awesome, I always have and always will, and I will never abandon In Flames just because it's popular to do so. You guys think you're above the rap and pop fans because you've got this integrity or something, but you're just the same. You like or dislike one thing or another because of what some underground metal site tells you to do. It's pathetic, and sad at the exact same time.
SWEET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anonymousnick2001 said:
I wanted to like it. I heard a promising sample...and I had my hopes. I listened to a few full tracks after that, and it was like 1, 2, 3, defecaaaaaatiooooonnnnnnnn!!!

I expected DT to run into the ground (Damage Done was good but lackluster). They were surprising. Blastbeats back, new riffs, great use of keyboards, amazing album.

However, those who want to hear what Soilwork could have been, they can check out Disarmonia Mundi.

I was amazed by the new DT album as well. My prog loving elitiest friend however hated it. I think Panic Attack was too heavy for him. Big pussy.