Time for Anders to leave IF

I'd like to see the artwork they go with for the album. It always changes my mood for albums after I have read and looked at the booklet while listening to the album.

But that cover I saw floating around looks like pure shit.
Gums said:
God, your pseudo-intellectual brainfarts are irritating.

Stop yapping like you know anything about this band. In Flames haven't had a line-up change since 1998. Almost 8 years. So what the fuck does "the very band is a somewhat sad thing for me to watch" mean? You know next to nothing about In Flames. Niklas wrote their lyrics for them.. good point. Anders left DT in 1993, and he has been with the same band since then. You're a rookie here, stop trying to sound like you know anything at all about In Flames and go suck rahvin's cock you fucking fanboy. Wow, you like DT.. we get it. Go away.
:lol: How funny. I might not be the supreme authority of the universe when it comes to In Flames, but i believe i do know enough to say what i said. I didn’t say i knew everything about In Flames, so you could have kept from writing “stop trying to sound like you know anything at all about In Flames” and saved us all a good laugh.

“go suck rahvin's cock you fucking fanboy”. Wow, so profound and intellectual (does “pseudo-intellectual brainfarts” ring a bell?). As i’ve said before (and i’m not the only one to have said it), insulting people (especially with that kind of insults, which you probably spent quite a while thinking up and which only sounds even more pathetic than a simple “idiot” or “moron”) just goes to show how immature you (i.e. not i) are.

Now, regarding In Flames: If they haven’t had a lineup change since 1998, then i find that respectable. Yet, it doesn’t mean anything: they could have a lineup change tomorrow. In any case, it’s still quite sad to hear that a band had to get a guy from another band to write their lyrics. It’s cool, since i like Niklas’s lyrics better than Anders’s ones, but it must be pretty sad from In Flames’s perspective.

Now you know what “the very band is a somewhat sad thing for me to watch” means. Unless you truly aren’t smart enough to get it, in which case you can completely forget about ever knowing what i meant by that, because i’m not explaining again.

Oh, and the whole intention of my post was never to let everyone know that i like Dark Tranquillity. I’m not that stupid. First, if i wanted to let everyone know that i’d just make another thread, not post it in a thread dedicated to Anders. Second, i wouldn’t even need to make another thread, as you (well, maybe not you in particular, but i’m sure most people here) could probably guess it from the fact that most of my posts are on DT’s board and from the fact that my sig has two links to DT sites.

Ah, another thing before i end this post: “You're a rookie here”. So you think having 1584 posts while i have 511 (and i’m not counting posts per day, which turns the table around in my favor with 10+ for me against 1+ for you) makes me a “rookie” and you a “veteran”. And, what’s more, you think that being a “veteran” makes you so much more intelligent than a “rookie” who posts something you don’t like about a band you do like. Hell, that’s sooo fucking smart of you. I am speechless before your supreme and infinite intellect. Flaming someone because they said something you didn’t like about one of your favorite bands is so brilliant that some stupid newbie like me couldn’t even aspire to half of it.

To think that i was kind of having a good time. Having to reply to posts like yours makes me sick.
Think of it this way... What would have happened it Anders didn't leave Dark Tranquillity and both bands kept their original singers? Would Dark Tranquillity be fucked up while In Flames keeps the metal melodic and death?
The Bringer said:
Think of it this way... What would have happened it Anders didn't leave Dark Tranquillity and both bands kept their original singers? Would Dark Tranquillity be fucked up while In Flames keeps the metal melodic and death?
DT wouldn't be fucked up, but they'd most likely be a totally different band. And In Flames would have found someone else, and we wouldn't be asking ourselves this right now. ;)
Undo Control - I don't really give a shit about what you said about me, but I'll comment briefly on the In Flames stuff. Anders, at the time, didn't know how to speak english. That's why Niklas wrote lyrics for him.

And for the record, I have well over 3000 posts, not sure where most of them went, but I think a bunch went down with the fall of the IF board way back when. I don't understand how having more posts per day would make you more of a veteran, since that would imply you've posted more in a shorter span of time, yessum? And I said you're a rookie here.. meaning at the In Flames board. That is all young chap
I woke up with morning wood... and used it to. Well off to work. Actually Dark tranquility have such a different sound than Inflames that even if the lead singers had stayed in there respected bands I still think things would have been way different. Different sings, different songwriters, different lyrics , different ideas. We will never truly know, either way , think of this . If Anders had stayed with DT would Passenger have ever of happened??? Would it have been totally different, because ANders wouldnt have met Engel, what if he would have done something with Mike Stanne instead?What if? What If? What If?
Gums: Still don't see how having more posts on a board makes you better than me. And it's still sad that Niklas had to write those lyrics. Excuses don't change anything. Learn english, then try to sing in english.

ELIDE: Yes. As i said, both bands would probably be something totally different than what they are now.
When I said you're a rookie, I wasn't talking about post counts. I was talking about you knowing little about In Flames.

And I know what you're saying about making excuses. I might think the same thing, if, and only if, I knew a little more about the situation. What if Anders didn't have the time to learn english? I don't know if this was the case, all I'm saying is there could be more to it, and unless we know for sure that there's not, I don't think it's fair to assume that he was simply taking the easy way out.
Besides, Niklas wrote some lyrics for DT too. In any case, there's nothing wrong with having someone who's better than you help out a little.
He's a member, but he doesn't sing. Stanne does, so does Anders. I don't see what's the big deal in getting a friend/former band member to write for you if you don't think you're ready to do it yourself.

And I specifically said that time might not have been the issue, but there could've been other factors involved.
:lol: I never said it was sad to ask a fellow band member to write lyrics for you. First, Niklas didn't write all of an album's lyrics but rather took turns with Stanne (i.e. about half the songs each). Second, if someone from another band writes stuff for you then it's no longer your band's music, it's your band's and the other guy's music. That, in my opinion, is pathetic. While i do like some of In Flames's stuff, as i said sometime earlier, i find that to be a lot of points against them. Finally, i was merely stating a point, an opinion. There was no need for you to get all offended and psycho over my opinion -- the opinion of someone who, apparently, you consider a moron and a pussy. I find it hilarious that you've invested so much of your time replying to something you consider stupid in the first place. Especially when i posted, before you even started insulting me and talking shit about what i've said, the following (here goes for the third time):
UndoControl said:
Now, before you guys start bitching at me like you've bitched every other person to post shit about In Flames:

1. Do not tell me to listen to other bands and post in other forums. I do like In Flames's music (what i've heard, anyway, which isn't really that much). If i didn't like In Flames, do you honestly think i'd be posting here? No. I'd have better things to do.

2. I am entitled to post whatever the fuck i want to, so don't call me a moron or other things for posting "shit" about In Flames (i don't think it's really shit, it's just.. constructive criticism.. which makes them look bad =P).
So no, it's not pointless because i'm a pussy. It's pointless because your intellect is just not enough to make this useful or even interesting. And it's pointless because i've got better stuff to do, like study for the final i have on wednesday. See ya.
UndoControl said:
First, Niklas didn't write all of an album's lyrics but rather took turns with Stanne (i.e. about half the songs each).

Anders and Niklas wrote the lyrics together as well.

UndoControl said:
Second, if someone from another band writes stuff for you then it's no longer your band's music, it's your band's and the other guy's music. That, in my opinion, is pathetic.

Lots of bands have guitarists write parts for them. There's guest solos everywhere. You think there's something wrong with that?

UndoControl said:
I find it hilarious that you've invested so much of your time replying to something you consider stupid in the first place.

You've done the same thing.

UndoControl said:
It's pointless because your intellect is just not enough to make this useful or even interesting. And it's pointless because i've got better stuff to do, like study for the final i have on wednesday. See ya.

My intellect isn't enough, eh? What are you studying then, wise guy?
Gums said:
Anders and Niklas wrote the lyrics together as well.
Still. It's not the same. In Dark Tranquillity, both Niklas and Sundin are from the same band. In In Flames, Sundin and Friden are each from a different band. It's sad. Again, it's my opinion that it's sad. If you disagree, why didn't you just say "i disagree" from the beginning instead of insulting me and making a fool out of yourself?

Gums said:
Lots of bands have guitarists write parts for them. There's guest solos everywhere. You think there's something wrong with that?
Yes. I think it's pathetic. Even more pathetic than having guest musicians writing lyrics for them.

Gums said:
You've done the same thing.
Because it's amusing. Because i'm laughing as i read what you write.

Gums said:
My intellect isn't enough, eh? What are you studying then, wise guy?
I don't see how what i'm studying has anything to do with your intellect, but i'll tell you anyway: My exam is on biology, genetics and biochemistry, and my career is genomics.
UndoControl said:
Still. It's not the same. In Dark Tranquillity, both Niklas and Sundin are from the same band. In In Flames, Sundin and Friden are each from a different band.

Right, but that was your second point, I was responding to your first point.

UndoControl said:
Yes. I think it's pathetic. Even more pathetic than having guest musicians writing lyrics for them.

Alright, fair enough. What about guest vocals?

UndoControl said:
Because it's amusing. Because i'm laughing as i read what you write.

How do you know this doesn't amuse me? :eek:

UndoControl said:
I don't see how what i'm studying has anything to do with your intellect, but i'll tell you anyway: My exam is on biology, genetics and biochemistry, and my career is genomics.

Because you think your intellect is superior to mine, and I was comparing our fields of study. Surely you could've figured that out if you thought about it for a sec. In fact, I used to be a biochemistry major, so I'm doubting our level of intellect differs as much as you think it does.

Anyways, you are right - I shouldn't have jumped all over you like I did. For that I apologize. The reason I got pissed was because you came across as very holier-than-thou with some of your posts, which is quite a contrast to the person I've found you to be at the DT forums. Normally this wouldn't bother me much, but I've been part of the In Flames community for a long time, and people have always tended to treat In Flames fans as somehow less than other fans. It sucks. And although In Flames boards to tend to get messy (like this one), I don't find it fair when people come in and treat fellow metal fans like dogs without even making an attempt to help the place improve. I realize that this may not have been what you were doing, but lots of people do, so once in a while I get a little overly defensive. In this case it was a mistake, I think.