Time for Anders to leave IF

Gums said:
Right, but that was your second point, I was responding to your first point.
What first point?

Gums said:
What about guest vocals?
I don’t mind those for three reasons. First (and assuming you mean the female vocals DT have put into some songs), i love how the female vocals multiply the beauty of the songs they’re in (for example, “Undo control” is just average live, because Stanne does all vocals, as opposed to the album version). Second, it’s still your song, it’s just someone else helping you perform it. Third, Anders (and if not Anders then someone else in In Flames) could have written the lyrics to those songs, but Mikael can’t do female vocals (obviously), so the guest singer is necessary.

Gums said:
How do you know this doesn't amuse me?
Alright, maybe it does. Sorry for that.

Gums said:
Because you think your intellect is superior to mine, and I was comparing our fields of study. Surely you could've figured that out if you thought about it for a sec. In fact, I used to be a biochemistry major, so I'm doubting our level of intellect differs as much as you think it does.
Intellect has little to nothing to do with one’s field of study. So i think it’s reasonable that i didn’t figure it out. Anyway, if i thought my intellect is superior to yours it was because you had proven thus, and not otherwise, with your posts on this thread.

Gums said:
Anyways, you are right - I shouldn't have jumped all over you like I did. For that I apologize. The reason I got pissed was because you came across as very holier-than-thou with some of your posts, which is quite a contrast to the person I've found you to be at the DT forums. Normally this wouldn't bother me much, but I've been part of the In Flames community for a long time, and people have always tended to treat In Flames fans as somehow less than other fans. It sucks. And although In Flames boards to tend to get messy (like this one), I don't find it fair when people come in and treat fellow metal fans like dogs without even making an attempt to help the place improve. I realize that this may not have been what you were doing, but lots of people do, so once in a while I get a little overly defensive. In this case it was a mistake, I think.
Apology accepted. And i apologize for all the intellect thing. My intention wasn’t to appear as holier-than-thou, it was only to make my point (as always). In Flames fans are the same as any other band’s fans, not less. It sucks that they’ve treated you like less because of a band you like. I guess it’s understandable that too much pressure might have built up inside of you and you had to explode sooner or later. I know how that feels. Peace?
UndoControl said:
What first point?
This one:
UndoControl said:
First, Niklas didn't write all of an album's lyrics but rather took turns with Stanne (i.e. about half the songs each). Second, if someone from another band writes stuff for you then it's no longer your band's music, it's your band's and the other guy's music.

UndoControl said:
I don’t mind those for three reasons.

Fine, but keep in mind that DT have used male guest vocals as well. I recall Anders singing in Hedon.
Also, they've used guest instrumental parts as well.. you find this pathetic, no?

UndoControl said:
Intellect has little to nothing to do with one’s field of study.

Well, I think that's a bit of an exaggeration for obvious reasons, but whatever.

UndoControl said:

Thanks for the apology. And yeah, peace. :tickled:
Gums said:
Ah. Alright then.

Gums said:
Fine, but keep in mind that DT have used male guest vocals as well. I recall Anders singing in Hedon.
O.O I'll have to pay more attention to that song.

Gums said:
Also, they've used guest instrumental parts as well.. you find this pathetic, no?
No. Unless the guests composed their parts, which i very much doubt.

Gums said:
Thanks for the apology. And yeah, peace. :tickled:
Anytime. ;)
I actually find it humorous. Hes says they have sucked for years since Colony , i think and I have said that I still think they are great , because im a blind follower. THey are the only band i would follow blindly accept Brainstorm and Soilwork and Amon Amarth..
anonymousnick2001 said:
Not much of an ongoing feud, really.

You're just wrong.

Hey youre the one that comes in the Inflames forum and complains all the time, just because you are a disgruntled fan doesnt mean you have to rain your poisonous rants down on everyone else.
insilence said:
For those who say that Anders must leave IF - YOU NEITHER UNDERSTAND HIS LYRICS NOR HAVE HIS PAIN AND PASSION FOR MUSIC.You don't deserve to hear the preciousness of his voice , for you is the rattling of the pebbles.Start cursing now ,this is YOUR WAY of expression.

A) Dark Tranquility were always better.
B) Anders Vox Suck
C) His lyrics are alright.