Be still, O wand'rer!
I wish this thread never got 'jacked, I was hoping it could become useful with ideas and wot not
carry on
carry on
I wish this thread never got 'jacked, I was hoping it could become useful with ideas and wot not
carry on
Instead of the standard packaging I think you should have it wrapped in goatskin and hand-numbered in blood.
quite a miserable human being aren't you?
And since artists and fans are alike
everyone likes the sentiment of collecting something that looks cool on a shelf (and this goes for books, DVD, etc). Unless of course you're someone who watches movies on the computer or downloads text from novels and thumbs through it in Adobe
I wish this thread never got 'jacked, I was hoping it could become useful with ideas and wot not
you mean when we bought out all of Ars Magna's stock?!
my my aren't we original this morning
hey i know while we're at it lets paint our faces white & black and wear spikes and leather!
But I think the young'n's here at RC who still collect CDs are the exception, not the rule. And they'll become an even smaller exception as time goes on. Eventually, CD players will disappear, and then will people still want to buy an empty box with some liner notes to complete their experience?
I'm not concerned with where my money goes.
I'm not concerned with where my money goes. When I buy music, I want a physical, tangible product in my hands. It's not a matter of "fetishization," but rather a combination of a larger musical experience than merely the music, and of course base consumerism. My comment, which you so unjustly tagged as some sort of "tr00ism," is with regards to the aesthetic of music as art, and rather not simply sounds that go into your ears. There is a far greater level of appreciation of the music and the total experience with the ritual of the CD or the LP, the sitting down with the cover art and the lyrics, etc., that is so very obviously lost in merely purchasing sound files on the computer. If I was going to revert exclusively to mp3s, I would just illegally download all of my music, because there is no other incentive to buying the officially sponsored mp3s.
Your mp3 idealism is an admirable one and may work for some, but the particular breed of Metal fans that I am referring to (not tr00 Metal warriors, but rather active listeners who gather more from the music than merely the music) will not accept mp3s for various reasons, some of which I pointed out. You completely misrepresented my statement, and frankly, did so in a quite dickish and arrogant way, so for that you can F.O.A.D., but aside from that, if you're content with buying mp3s, that's fine, but there are a lot of people who are not, and regardless of the reason, this scenario makes releasing this type of music exclusively in mp3 format incredibly impractical.
If it was truly exclusively about the music, the artists would release the music in mp3 format for free download themselves, like Against Nature does.
I actually intended to be on-topic by giving ideas for starting up a label. Just because they aren't the same ideas you already had doesn't mean they aren't ideas. But yeah, proposing ideas that are diametrically opposed to your initial conception is probably not exactly what you were looking for.
And some of your ideas seem pretty pie-in-the-sky to me.
The point is that you *already* thought the music was great before you bought out the stock, thus illustrating that none of you need packaging to think that music is great.