definately the usual awesome Tool, and according to their website, Vicarious should also be release to the radio stations tomorrow. and, although you all probably know (and I am even more pumped for) the CD is out May 2nd!
F'n sweet...U.S. radio stations are allowed to play this tonight but thanks for the advanced preview. Can't wait long enough for May 2nd...
Hmm hmmm , the link doesnt work anymore.. I listened to it only once and I have to say that yes its good and I liked it, but I have bit of a "iv-heard-this-before-feeling"
Considering Iv only listened to it once , I havent made up my mind entirely about this song.
But oh well it was good ol' Tool, that's for sure :)
tool fucking rocks!! heard vicarious, and what can i say? awesome, sounds funkier and heavier than most of the stuff on lateralus, but lateralus was a true masterpiece, i hope the new record will be at least half as good as that one...
As many of you, I've already heard the song. I like it a lot, but I think that it would sound better by listening to it as a part of the whole album. It may be connected with a previous song or something, because there's a good intro in the beggining, and the idea of connecting two songs with that intro would be great, not something new, though. The song gives you a taste of how the new album will sound. Classic Tool album, I can say, better or worst than the others, but without a major change in their sound.
I agree with the_dying. Tool's new material is a blast, musical, lyrical, conceptual, the atmosphere, everything. Makes you a full-time addict. Hallelujah.
And about Vicarious, it's the opener and the album version differs pretty much from this one circulating the net right now. (it's alot better, an amazing track)

p.s. Katatonia are still the leaders with TGCD for me though.