Tool - Progmetal ? Progrock ? What ?

I also find it intriguing just how popular they are considering how "out there" they are. I've never quite understood actually how they are as popular as they've been because of that. Not a knock on them at all, it's just considering some of the crap the mainstream listens to, I've just never been able to place how they got the popularity they got.

It was the popularity of the video for "Sober," IMO. The vid did extremely well and Tool were able to keep that momentum, and their "proggy, yet accessible" vibe going for years.
It was the popularity of the video for "Sober," IMO. The vid did extremely well and Tool were able to keep that momentum, and their "proggy, yet accessible" vibe going for years.

True. I didn't even think of the fact of their videos. They do some kickass ones for sure.
I have to get into this thread because...I just seem can't get into this band at all!!!!!!. Several of my friends have seen them live and think they are awesome beyond this planet.

I don't know if anyone feels like I do. Just a thought.
I have to get into this thread because...I just seem can't get into this band at all!!!!!!. Several of my friends have seen them live and think they are awesome beyond this planet.

I don't know if anyone feels like I do. Just a thought.

i think you are alone. haha. i mean the newer stuff is probably hard to digest, but Undertow is still amazing to this day and i think most of us here like at least one phase of the band.
i think you are alone. haha. i mean the newer stuff is probably hard to digest, but Undertow is still amazing to this day and i think most of us here like at least one phase of the band.

Actually I did like that album, the only thing I remember is the sober music video back when MTV used to play music.
What genre tags possibly would give somebody an idea of what Tool sounds like? None. So don't bother. ;) Just like Radiohead.

If you really want to label things, because you aspire to be a grocery clerk, then perhaps just call it rock . Since that term is meaningless anyhow.

I fucking love progressive metal!


Yeah, I just saw Marilyn Manson, and it was... hawwwesooome...
I love Tool, big fan. I will say thier last album 10,000 days did have some "self indulgent crap" on it that someome had already pointed out. Nonetheless I really like this band Aenima is their best album I think. I have always referred to them as a Progressive Metal band.
Oh well...(shrugs).


Nothing wrong with not liking them, but maybe you should give them another go 'round because early 90's "Seattle" style they definitely are not. In fact, though I started the post, I can rarely sit through a whole release by them. I don't find them boring, but they sort of give me the willies..... they sound like a bad acid trip or something. I like them in small doses though.

Nothing wrong with not liking them, but maybe you should give them another go 'round because early 90's "Seattle" style they definitely are not. In fact, though I started the post, I can rarely sit through a whole release by them. I don't find them boring, but they sort of give me the willies..... they sound like a bad acid trip or something. I like them in small doses though.


Yeah, sorry Brian. It's one thing for you not to like them, but to lump them in with grunge (even though I like some grunge) I can't even fathom. They're like the polar opposite of that.
I can understand Tool being lumped in with grunge to a point, as it was coming out at the same time, and had some of the similar distorted, dark sound with the more introspective lyrics. But like Alice in Chains, while associated with grunge, it really isn't. Nine Inch Nails is another band that was lumped in with grunge by some, and doesn't fit. Interestingly, I think all 3 of these bands have some common elements, and likely a large number of similar fans.
I can understand Tool being lumped in with grunge to a point, as it was coming out at the same time, and had some of the similar distorted, dark sound with the more introspective lyrics. But like Alice in Chains, while associated with grunge, it really isn't. Nine Inch Nails is another band that was lumped in with grunge by some, and doesn't fit. Interestingly, I think all 3 of these bands have some common elements, and likely a large number of similar fans.

I've always hated that grunge tag, but I do understand why at least AIC was labeled that. Layne had a very similar style of singing with the other grunge bands. Now musically, they were more metal than anything though. To be honest though, none of those grunge bands really were identical. I can't even fathom though how NIN and Tool are lumped in. NIN especially, I mean they were industrial. The only thing you can really say is that all could sort of be lumped into the alternative tag, which goes beyond just grunge.
I've always hated that grunge tag, but I do understand why at least AIC was labeled that. Layne had a very similar style of singing with the other grunge bands. Now musically, they were more metal than anything though. To be honest though, none of those grunge bands really were identical. I can't even fathom though how NIN and Tool are lumped in. NIN especially, I mean they were industrial. The only thing you can really say is that all could sort of be lumped into the alternative tag, which goes beyond just grunge.

Not to mention NIN's Pretty Hate Machine came out well before grunge bands did. It might have been one of those things that they were tied in by the record companies. It wouldn't be the first time. (Like Twisted Sister being tied into hair metal, when they were really more like the glam bands of the 70s.)