Top 10 all-time favourite Metal albums

What a bunch of morons.. even wiki knows that album was Metal.

Next thing you're gonna hear "lets take any Darkthrone discussions to a non metal board because at least half their later stuff aren't even metal".
90% of what is called industrial metal isn't either industrial or metal and Marilyn Manson is no exception.

This is industrial metal:

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Marilyn Manson shouldn't even be associated with he word metal.

Are some of you guys actually trying to imply that Pantera doesn't get shit on by the "underground uber trve elite" ??? :lol:

Yea, they're not a great band but neither is Beherit. Pantera gets a shit load of undeserved hate from a bunch of these fake online poseurs. They're like the staple band to hate if you're one of those clowns.
devin townsed - ocean machine
in flames - colony
nevermore - dead heart in a dead world
arcturus - the sham mirrors
bal sagoth - the chthonic chronicles
enslaved - riitirr
hammock - departure songs
fear factory - demanufacture
lost horizon - a fame to the ground beneath
summoning - stronghold
I actually don't think music quality is subjective at all. It can be empirically demonstrated that some music is higher quality than other music. It doesn't matter either way. We all give each other shit on here. Listen to what you like and never apologize.
Music is subjective based on the person who is listening to it and why they comprehend it as music.
I actually don't think music quality is subjective at all. It can be empirically demonstrated that some music is higher quality than other music. It doesn't matter either way. We all give each other shit on here. Listen to what you like and never apologize.

Music is art, art is subjective, you're objectively wrong.

Pantera may get shat on a lot, but who cares? They simultaneously have one of the largest fan bases of any Metal band on earth, quit wanting everybody to like the same shit, it's cringy.

Personally I'd take Drawing Down The Moon over anything The Summoning, Pantera, Marilyn Manson or Deathspell Omega has ever done, that's just me.

Pretty much everyone calls everyone a metal elitist now, if you don't like a certain band they like. It's no longer a serious term, just a petty insult used by douchebags.

It's a pathetic emotional reaction 99% of the time.

What a bunch of morons.. even wiki knows that album was Metal.

Next thing you're gonna hear "lets take any Darkthrone discussions to a non metal board because at least half their later stuff aren't even metal".

You're embarrassing yourself.
Which parts of new Darkthrone aren't Metal?
pantera may not *objectively* be utter utter shit but it's more or less a fact that anyone who doesn't shit on them is 12 years old or a tasteless cunt or, like, racist or something

as a summoning fan i would be the first to say that they've trodden the same turf far too often over the years. best stuff's fab though.

the furore surrounding beherit baffles me, i've no idea how anyone could hear a song like 'sadomatic rites' and think that people couldn't have a genuine reason for liking it. like, it's presumptuous to doubt the motives of anyone for liking anything but in this case it's also really odd to me, they're not far removed from a lot of other BM that's widely accepted.

elitism totally exists but i think this board's pretty open-minded compared to a lot of metal forums. and, again, suggesting that the only logical explanation of liking summoning and hating pantera is ELITISM is just laughable horseshit which can't be backed up. it'd be different if you were naming bands that have loads in common.

and then we've got this awful aesthetics 101 debate about subjectivity and urgh just read some danto or fucking wittgenstein or something
elitism totally exists but i think this board's pretty open-minded

pantera ... a fact that anyone who doesn't shit on them is 12 years old or a tasteless cunt or, like, racist or something



Nowhere near being a great band, but far from being one of the worst. I'm actually more inclined to think that most people that blindly hate on em are the ones who are under "12 years old" and haven't even probably bothered listening to them to begin with ... just jumped on the band wagon of one of the biggest "cool to hate" bands around. In that sense, this board is no different from many of the other ones around. We have our fair share of online poser ... basically "oh i hate that band because they're popular" or some bullshit along those lines. It's truly sickening, but i've learnt to deal with it as those types of pure posers will always be around.
please cite examples of people openly not liking stuff because it's popular lol, i haven't seen any of that recently.

unfortunately i actually own three pantera albums. although i do confess i don't remember them too well beyond the 'big three' tunes anymore ('cemetery gates' is particularly appalling). i liked them when i was 12 though - the evidence is really stacking up in my favour!
Pantera gets shit on as much as they do because the size of their fanbase is not proportionate to their perceived quality overall, and the Confederate flags and state of their fanbase imply that only stupid people would listen to this. The same is sort of true of Beherit, aside that last bit. I get why people like DDTM and Engram, but not why they make top 10 lists. If someone is advocating for random album x with a tiny following and questionable reputation of quality, no one really blinks an eye. It's only when a large group gets behind something unpopular, then people react against it.

Most people who complain about elitism just have tastes that are out of step with the community they are dealing with.
i don't get the beherit love either really, a few tunes aside. it's less inexplicable to me than the hate though.

i bet most metalheads who throw the word 'elitism' around are elitist themselves when it comes to top 40 pop or w/e. i just find it funny that people think UM is elitist because i've been on so many metal boards that are waaaaaaay worse for that shit.