pantera may not *objectively* be utter utter shit but it's more or less a fact that anyone who doesn't shit on them is 12 years old or a tasteless cunt or, like, racist or something
as a summoning fan i would be the first to say that they've trodden the same turf far too often over the years. best stuff's fab though.
the furore surrounding beherit baffles me, i've no idea how anyone could hear a song like 'sadomatic rites' and think that people couldn't have a genuine reason for liking it. like, it's presumptuous to doubt the motives of anyone for liking anything but in this case it's also really odd to me, they're not far removed from a lot of other BM that's widely accepted.
elitism totally exists but i think this board's pretty open-minded compared to a lot of metal forums. and, again, suggesting that the only logical explanation of liking summoning and hating pantera is ELITISM is just laughable horseshit which can't be backed up. it'd be different if you were naming bands that have loads in common.
and then we've got this awful aesthetics 101 debate about subjectivity and urgh just read some danto or fucking wittgenstein or something