the only BM i can stand really isn't even BM:

later emperor
and some obscure other stuff like fleurety
Black metal is a young genre and still has much life left to explore, as for Dimmu Borgir people love bashing them, but I don't follow that moron trend. I don't judge by the band name or the occult status, I judge by talent and DImmu can play great live and new album will fuck all up.
For the most part Black Metal is not accessible or easily digestible, unless it has that extra bit to pull you in. Lush keyboards, excellent drumming, haunting guitar melodies, some jazzy riffs, an audible bassline (j/k); these and many other things make Black metal bands stand out from one another. The lyrics could possibly be about trekking through a blizzard, incantations in a dark forest, viking battles, etc etc. A person who enjoys and understands Black Metal will know the difference between the band who slaps a dead forest or a demon on their album cover, and the band that puts their blood and talent into their music and takes the album photo from out where they recorded the damn thing.

If you are in tune with Black Metal you will hear the 'organicness' of the music. This isn't so hard to explain. The less produced an album is, the closer to a live album it will sound. Obviously some of the bands didn't have great portable recording equipment in the early days, and some of them may prefer to use slightly less clear equipment to add some distortion to make the mix sound raw. This is overdone sometimes.

Black Metal is personal music for the most part, and is best enjoyed in the dark, taking a long drive, snowboarding, hiking, playing an mmo, drawing, reading, or working, depending on who you are.

There are plenty of crap bands in BM. No genre of music is exempt from this. There are many good bands too.
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In the Nightside Eclipse is a fucking stellar album. Emperor is the only black metal band that I can truly say that I enjoyed their entire discography.
Seriously though, you can hear every instrument clearly on Transilvanian Hunger. It is beyond me when people say that it's the worst produced album. The bass is there, both guitars are there, all of the elements of the drums are there. I don't understand what about the album makes it difficult to listen to. It's almost unquestionably one of the top five black metal albums, and undoubtedly one of the most influential metal albums ever.

Believe it or not, there are actually drum fills on the album, and throughout Darkthrone albums.

Also, post-Filosofem Burzum is clearly not black metal, and shouldn't have even been considered.
It seems like most of you guys don't even listen to BM. Then your definitely not qualified to judge either! It's easy to puke on a genre you don't like.. Ask a disco-nerd what he thinks about Opeth!
i just dont see the appeal of (generally) extremely distorted similar sounding guitars, high pitched shrieks and overused keys and synth. someone? anyone? explain please?
i just dont see the appeal of (generally) extremely distorted similar sounding guitars, high pitched shrieks and overused keys and synth. someone? anyone? explain please?

You are making a lame over-generalization about an entire genre. It describes one type of BM, to be sure. But certainly not all of it.
its a generalization of course, the only notable exceptions being the BM artists i can actually stand.
im happy to see no one has picked xasthur
Subliminal Genocide kinda sounds like they hung a directional mic from the ceiling of a gymnasium and decided to go for it, but they make some pretty good music so it's hard to say they've made one of the worst black metal albums ever.
I dunno, I guess what terrorbakis said is basically true, but just because you don't like something doesn't mean you shouldn't get to have an opinion about it. Just because black metal is a genre and not a song or album doesn't mean you can't say you dislike it as a whole. If everyone kept away from what they disliked and only talked about what they liked, there would be no criticism for anything and that would pretty much be :erk:
But I do say that one cannot have an opinion without having a fairly good understanding of what they're praising/criticizing.