Top 40 Albums of 2009

really now? i think there are commonalities to be found within the bands i like.

converge, coalesce, neurosis, shrinebuilder (aoty btw), Rorschach, etc. all have many elements quite similar with one another.

And then I've got my faux-indie to adore like Deerhoof and Neon Bible.

Neurosis really does line up well with my taste in music.

Thing is just because I hate shit like Opeth, Lifelover, Deathspell Omega, Tool, etc. doesn't somehow invalidate my overall musical tastes. I am obviously obnoxious with a lot of shit, but I'm not going to call out a band that is quite obviously great as shit just because I don't "get them."

I get Lifelover, I get Opeth, I get DsO, I get all that shit - the people here who're going on about Converge seem NOT to.

It'd be the same with this band:
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pulling bands from that guys

not to mention they're all basically gateway bands that a lot of dumbasses never get past (well not lifelover, but hipster black metal is absolutely gay and only people who like bad music like them.)
What is with people hating on a list done by a mainstream metal magazine? No shit it's not going to have your favorite albums on there. I am as incredulous regarding these people as they are regarding Decibel. The list isn't even so bad. That Kylesa album rules. Altar of Plagues is pretty terrible though. I haven't listened to anywhere close to 40 albums this year, so maybe it was a weak year. But Krallice is definitely better than Altar of Plagues. That band is so incredibly derivative and uninspired.

Coming from a journalism major, Decibel is actually the most professionally done metal magazine by a mile, regardless of what you think about the taste of their writers. I can't imagine what you people would think of the AV Club's best of the decade (metal/hard rock) list. I'm afraid to link either that or their top 50 albums overall.
If you don't think Converge is absolutely awesome then just give up now, you'll never get it. EASILY one of the best bands of all time.

Edit: one thing that list got very right is putting Paradise Lost WAY above the Katatonia. I'd personally put the new Katatonia at #40 and the new Paradise Lost at #1.

its bizarro malign :lol::lol:

I hate you all, but yeah, a good thread - and - traditional. :lol:

BTW, all you fucking douchebags under Mort's flag of gayness can fuck off. And wtf at the Converge worship? Where am I? What the fuck is this stupid shit? Thanks for a good cup of morning anger, UM.
Is anyone surprised that Mort is a Converge fan boy??

I mean come on:

I'd rather listen to Christian worship music (aka 'ear rape') than Converge.

I'm sorry I just found it funny that hopeful music with decent melodies and lyrics you don't necessarily agree with is called ear rape and dark music with drum beats blasting in your ears and fat guys screaming lyrics you don't necessarily agree with is called art. W/e, just got a little chuckle.