top 5 non-metal albums of all time

yeah i could see how Thom Yorke could irritate people tbqh. I personally love his vocal style, mainly because he has the balls or whatever to not give a fuck about little mistakes, therefore giving the records a lot more "life" ( IMO )

what Radiohead song have you heard?

I listened to the In Rainbows album and maybe 3 songs from OK computer. Overall I did like the music, but I really cba with modern rock generally.
In case I haven't stressed it enough..

U2 is weird for me. Part of me really likes it for what it is, but I almost never want to listen to it. Most of the time it just bores me; but every so often, I have this strange urge to listen to a song or two.

Yeah, that's basically how I am. It's not really my kind of music, but it's definitely great for its style. It's very flowing and uplifting, and kind of has a quintessential '80s vibe to it.
It's an abbreviation for The Red in the Sky Is Ours, an At the Gates album that only posers don't find amazing. :)