Top Death Metal Albums of all time....

I didn't see many mentions of

Carnage - Dark Recollections
Dismember - Like an Everflowing Stream.
Seance - Fornever Laid to Rest

Some of my favourites
Dark Millennium's "Ashore The Celestial Burden" would definitely make my list, "Diana Read Peace" is equally good but that one isn't really death metal. Terribly sadly forgotten band by the way, they were releasing in the early nineties.
Well, I fail to see how it has any death metal traits at all. I remember an argument on here about how the riffs made it death metal, but if that's the case why aren't later Death albums considered death metal?

I thought they were considered "progressive death metal"... *shrugs* genre classifying is a pain in the ass... and I'll always consider all of Death's work to be some incarnation of death metal.
Goatwhore - A Haunting Curse
Impaled - Mondo Medicale
Death - Scream Bloody Gore
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
Obituary - Cause of Death
Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten
Cannibal Corpse - Eaten Back To Life
Intestinal Strangulation - Pathological Brutalistic Fermentation
Immolation - Dawn of Possession
Cryptopsy - None So Vile
So then The Fragile Art of Existence is a death metal album?

You could stretch it and say that Symbolic is a death metal album, but saying TSOP is a death metal album is just wrong
TSOP is progressive as is Symbolic. There are traces of death metal, but you can't call it death metal because THERE IS HARDLY ANY DEATH METAL IN THE FUCKING MUSICJ KAWUILRGUIOPAWL;RHGIOPAEBGHA9OEIRUBGAOERG
From what I've seen... if music has any detectable trace of death metal in it, it is always lumped into some category of death metal... the same works with Black metal... even when it's bred with something else, black is always stuck somewhere in the title.

Death metal just seems to be the "second word" most of the time...
The way I see it is that Progressive Death metal can mean two things. The band can be playing death metal with progressive elements, or the band can be playing progressive metal with death metal elements... no matter how they balance.