Traditional Metal

Immortal Soul or Unleash the Fire? I own the former and it has some good stuff on it, although I think that the production is annoying. I haven't listened to Unleash the Fire.
the latter. i haven't heard the former so i can't really compare. mygenerally trustworthy RYM friends seem to vary on preferring one or the other.
My favorite trad. metal song of recent years:

One of my favorite obscure finds, the vocals kinda suck but it's fucking ferocious.

The quintessential heavy metal album as far as I'm concerned:

I really like all 3 of these. Maybe the Argus one the most.
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Yeah, I've heard that Unleash the Fire was awesome. They are playing in Chicago here in a like a week but I'm probably going to pass to save money for Hell's Headbash.
Yeah, Irae Melanox is perfect.

Fucking incredible, one of the best songs to come out of the 80s German power/speed metal scene.

Cool to see some Mephisto love, really overlooked band. I remember the first time I heard it, it was one of those shivers-the-whole-time this-will-be-an-eternal-favorite albums. That faded after two listens, but there's still some great stuff there. Adramelch fans should listen to them tbh; not as hyper-melodic or power metal-y, but they still have that kind of mournful post-Angel Witch speed/power thing going for them.
good stuff man, do tell what you think. it's a bit of a mess at times structurally speaking but so are their biggest influence (although i think they've moved away just a little from the FATE here) and there's a lot of magic there imo. reaction seemed to be pretty muted, which is bizarre to me given some of the mediocrities people go apeshit over these days.