Traditional Metal

Hello guys, i'm new on this forum, i did like the new album from Maiden, since brave new world i was not very happy with their albums, but this recent album is good. I will share here one band from my area, here in Brazil.

I Hope that you like it, cheers!!!
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The Nosferatu side of that Deathhammer split is simply amazing. They seem to be a really under the radar band, hopefully there's new stuff in the pipeline.

Outcast is great, as is the side project of a couple of their members, Teuton.
I had some friends raving about how great the new Praying Mantis is so I checked out a few songs and hot damn, do I love this cheesy ass ballad.

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So not only is Satan releasing a new album, Court in the Act is also being reissued next month. Finally. One of the rare instances in glad a big label grabbed them and could fork the money out for the reissue no questions asked
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So not only is Satan releasing a new album, Court in the Act is also being reissued next month. Finally. One of the rare instances in glad a big label grabbed them and could fork the money out for the reissue no questions asked

cool. i have it on CD already but i'll keep an eye on this. are you saying the new satan is out next month too or am i reading that wrong?
Yeah they both come out next month. New Christian Mistress is out, my copy won't be here until Saturday but fuuuk I'm stoked for that one too.
awesome. there is zero possibility of it being their 'best' anything, but if it's as good as LIFE SENTENCE it'll get quite a few spins from me.
I had some friends raving about how great the new Praying Mantis is so I checked out a few songs and hot damn, do I love this cheesy ass ballad.

A buddy of mine has this in the running for his album of the year. You posting this reminds me I need to get it! I love great Melodic stuff like this when it's done this well.
I semi-recently came across this band. I know I've heard OF them before, but am not sure if it was this particular "Blitzkrieg".

The band is Blitzkrieg, and they play some tasty traditional metal. I was surprised it was hard to find this album, and ended up paying a little more than I usually do for a second hand CD.

Anyone else have this particular album, Theatre of the Damned?

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