ah advocaat is bit of a mummy's boy, but i guess he's doing ok. too bad Frank Rijkaard wasnt a tad more experienced in the business, cos i think he can be amazing as national coach, perhaps he will pick that up after a cpl of clubs or for the worldcup - what do you think: Rijkaard/Van Basten as leading coachesthe_good_son141 said:and i think you tried a new system, the diamond (?).
do you like your coach?
ah and the team mostly plays a setup like this, a defensive midfielder to bring up the ball, and a 10 behind the strikers (most games NL has played, Kluivert was just behind Ruud/Makaay).
ah and i must reveal a little secret: we dont have like big THC distributors hanging over town not the country or whatever. actually, just over 5% of the dutch population smokes dope - hell, even in France the relative population smokes more. and i bet mr "Spartan" Rehhagel wouldnt allow them greek athletics to check out the city center (aka Sodom and Ghomorre