Uhh ... so is my handle a big problem?


Sep 20, 2004
St. Paul, Minnesota
I got a really strange email from someone on this forum (who shall be nameless), so apparently I need to clarify something ...

Geez ... this is awkward ...

My handle is NOT a reflection of the size of my "unit!" :zombie: I am not that self-centered or brazen, nor am I on this forum to promote my sexuality (or, since I listen to power-metal, lack there-of).

In my humble opinion ... some people really need to find hobbies than read too much into someone's forum handle.

For anyone who gives a ratt's ass, here is why I call myself "The SwordLord."

I've always been a power metal guy -- been listening to groups like Iron Maiden, Manowar, Queensryche and what-not for years. At any rate, until real recently, I was very unaware of just how vast the metalscene is outside of the US.

I ran into a Minnesota promoter who's metal knowledge and experience vastly eclipsed mine. In our conversation, he invited me to a local metal band's performance which he was sure I would like.

I showed up proudly adorned as the metal dork that I am -- dressed in my leather pants, leather jacket and my leather gauntlets with red crests. This promoter takes one look at me, starts laughing hysterically and says, "Holy shit, you listen to Manowar and Blind Guardian and you dress up in leather gauntlets?! That's it man, you're the SwordLord. That's your new name from here-on out!"

The name stuck. Most people around the Minnesota metal scene know me by that name. When I started producing concerts here in Minnesota, I took the name a step further and dubbed my company, "SwordLord Productions, Inc." I have produced about half-a-dozen shows under that name including BLIND GUARDIAN's only Minnesota appearance to date. [If you have that Blind Guardian T-Shirt with the silver razor-dragon emblem on the front, flip it around and look at the tour dates. The St. Paul, MN show was produced and paid for by yours-truly.] :headbang:

So there. Hopefully this has "cleared the air" on what my handle means. Sheesh, if I would have known it offended people, I would have picked something else. Anyone who has other inquiries about it can email me directly or reply to this thread.

This is me, metal dork and PROUD!!!
Ummm.....anyone here who thinks 'SwordLord' on a prog/power board has to do with penises must think about them a lot. :p

Edit: :lol:

I just realized the unintended pun in the thread title. "Big Problem" :p
My handle is NOT a reflection of the size of my "unit!" I am not that self-centered or brazen, nor am I on this forum to promote my sexuality (or, since I listen to power-metal, lack there-of).

In my humble opinion ... some people really need to find hobbies than read too much into someone's forum handle.

Are you sure it wasn't an interested, curious female? :lol:
booB said:
My handle is NOT a reflection of the size of my "unit!" I am not that self-centered or brazen, nor am I on this forum to promote my sexuality (or, since I listen to power-metal, lack there-of).

In my humble opinion ... some people really need to find hobbies than read too much into someone's forum handle.

Are you sure it wasn't an interested, curious female? :lol:

Boob -- LOL, oh how I wish, I wish! :D No, it was someone who more or less stated that "anyone who's handle is to draw attention to his p*n*s should not be ProgPower's Fan-of-the-Year."

This was so out-of-the-blue and so ludicrous that I'm more amused than offended, but still it got me to thinkin', so I decided to post. :zombie:
Geez...who cares? It's not like you called yourself Big Sword...or Swordfight...or Mighty Schlong...or Powerprick...or Pudpounder...or...

Sheesh...some people just have one track minds...

Rock on!
Ha-ha-ha! I think you should consider one of the following names.:

'Milkshake Man' - 'Mr. Movie' - 'Dr. Non-Alcohol'

You know why buddy :D
I can't believe somebody did that? Tell you the truth, I never really thought about your name, I was too busy trying to figure out the photo there, figured it was David Bowie or some SciFi thing.
Nathan, this thread is hilarious. I don't think I have ever once thought of your screen name like that. Woo, someone's got too much time on their hands to bring it to your attention.

By the way, I always thought your avatar looked like Jamie Lee Curtis with some sort of wig on.
Geez...who cares? It's not like you called yourself Big Sword...or Swordfight...or Mighty Schlong...or Powerprick...or Pudpounder...or...

Babs! You have a young daughter; haven't you ever sat her down and watched Labyrinth?

(speaking of schlongs, I'm surprised they put David Bowie in costumes that just about entirely delineated the family jewels - that was rather frightening!)
jaimek said:
Babs! You have a young daughter; haven't you ever sat her down and watched Labyrinth?

:Hangs Head in Shame: Um, no...

I promise, the first winter snowstorm we'll have a movie day and I'll have that on the list of things to watch!
jaimek said:
Babs! You have a young daughter; haven't you ever sat her down and watched Labyrinth?

(speaking of schlongs, I'm surprised they put David Bowie in costumes that just about entirely delineated the family jewels - that was rather frightening!)

Labyrinth is one of my favorite movies. I've watched it countless times and have managed to work quotes into daily conversation all the time. Kids or not, I recommend everyone watch it for a little bit of light-hearted fantasy fun with great music.

Oh.. and.. I've never minded the pants :saint: