would like to welcome A Prelude to Tragedy!

This forum has been great to us so far. Not only is it like the "good ol days", but we've had so many new people come in and join the fun. This was a good move for us.
It does seem more lively. Most of the regulars from the years are active and posting. I do notice the absence of approximately a half dozen peeps who frequented the old band site though.
I know I'm bringing this to the top again, but I had to give kudos one more time to how awesome this new forum has been to us. Every once in a while there will be a day when no one posts - but the next day suddenly finds this place jumpin' again. I know Jax and Brett have a lot to do with that (Brett has been an unexpected God send), as well as a few others who post almost every day. But this place really does remind me of the old forum (from five years ago). We're already well over 1,000 posts and we've only been here three months (actually, just short of that) so we are averaging about 100 posts a week. It's nice to have an internet home again. Thanks everyone!