UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?


New Metal Member
Mar 15, 2006
I was talking with Krig on AIM about this, and honestly, it sucks.

so how does it affect your dating/sex-life?

inquiring minds want to know...
If a guy don't listens to metal or just listens to techno or some other crap - I'm less interested in him. And that's not really good, I think. But I can't help it.
My dating life prior to me finding a girlfriend was abysmal but that didn't so much have anything to do with me being into metal as it did with me being an anti-social bastard.
When you're 6 foot tall and have "the charm" nothing can touch ya :D

Hahaha, I listen to alot more than metal, indie rock being one of the things :p sooo

so do I. I like a lot of non-metal stuff, stuff like Wire and Gang Of Four and other shit like that, but girls don't want to hear about music that doesn't radio airplay around here. :mad:
you and krig dont have gfs because youre an asperger's-addled lunatic and a obnoxious fat gun-toting idiot respectively
Metal doesn't really affect my love life as much as the fact that I go to a school where about four girls appreciate my intellect (all of whom I am close friends with), the rest being brainwashed pseudo-Christian blondes.

you should bone them.