UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

In all seriousness it doesnt effect my getting girls. Either youre a fucking ugly nerd, or youre not. Simple. And if you are, do something about it and clean yourself up.
Being into metal doesn't affect my dating life because I don't have a dating life.
yea I haven't had much of a dating life recently either

I suppose that's what happens when you are pushing 60 - 70 hours a week between school, work, homework and bodybuilding. This should all change in the summer though now that I have some free time.
It affects me a little, I mean I'd rather want a chick who listens to metal, but around here there's like barelly, but whatever I don't really care anymore about what they listen too, it's how you communicate with each other but if it's a chick who listens to metal that's even better :kickass:
For me it matters more if the women appreciates art (and also reads a lot). If she appreciates art, then while she won't necessarily like metal, she will at least appreciate that it has a place as a form of art. Plus, I love women who are creative in some way. Big turn on.
Of the few girls in my high school who listen to metal, one is taken (and likes shit metal), one is a lesbian and the other, well, is rather loose.

I'm sure the selection in college will be better, that's when I plan on getting more serious about dating. And whether my future girlfriend(s) are into metal will not have to be the critical factor.
No, it doesn't really affect my love life.

Yeah, and finding an attractive girl who listens to metal is about a 1/1000 chance.
Of the few girls in my high school who listen to metal, one is taken (and likes shit metal), one is a lesbian and the other, well, is rather loose.

I'm sure the selection in college will be better, that's when I plan on getting more serious about dating. And whether my future girlfriend(s) are into metal will not have to be the critical factor.

you ever do the loose one? (wrapped up, of course).
You would think there would be lots of dating opportunities in college, but not really. High school is actually a much better time for dating. In general, people have lots more time for it in HS. They're also more willing.

In college, everyone is so into themselves and their own stuff. The vast majority of people have no interest in relationships.

It's especially hard to date at my school due to the huge class divide between me and the spoiled rich girls. Most of the time I don't feel that bad about not dating because so many of the girls are disconnected rich brats, who wouldn't like me because I don't have money. In fact, I'm pretty mean to most of the girls here. I don't regret it much.
You would think there would be lots of dating opportunities in college, but not really. High school is actually a much better time for dating. In general, people have lots more time for it in HS. They're also more willing.

In college, everyone is so into themselves and their own stuff. The vast majority of people have no interest in relationships.

It's especially hard to date at my school due to the huge class divide between me and the spoiled rich girls. Most of the time I don't feel that bad about not dating because so many of the girls are disconnected rich brats, who wouldn't like me because I don't have money. In fact, I'm pretty mean to most of the girls here. I don't regret it much.

you're awesome :heh:

I hate rich cunts who never had to work a day in their life and had their daddies pay for everything.