UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

Well, as long as you don't openly discuss your obssession with metal among girls, I don't see what the problem is. Granted, my dating life is pretty non-existent as well but for other reasons.
If you judge people based on their social and dating life, yes, but that's what idiots do. You're a fucking idiot if you think not having a dating life makes somebody a loser. But we already knew that you were a fucking idiot.

I was making a playful comment and pretty much insulting myself in the process.
They should call you that all the time cause your just so cool like that.

Grammar's my worst subject in school.
And for that, yuo get Blue Wizard's Tip of the Day!
Go sing these lyrics to a girl I msde up when I was thinking subconsciously out of my head while listneing to Emperor's in The Nightside Eclipse.
In The Nightside Eclipse
When you see a girl's tits
And you cum on her face
The bitch likes that today

You may've just desecrated black metal in the process but if it works you get a virtual high five from me. I'm sorry, my subconscious is a fucking pervert.:) :lol: