UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

It doesn't affect mine at all. I have a girlfriend so my love life is pretty rich. :)I remember that I never scared any girl off when I told her that I listen to the heaviest metal ever, maybe they didn't care about that due the fact that I am quite handsome. :lol:
well for the most part, most male metalheads were outcasts in high school. kinda goes with the territory. I'm no different.

Only if they wore make-up, had greasy long hair over their face, and had t-shirts with corpses on the front.

However if you listen to hair metal you become one of the most popular kids in your year. Oh yeah! I loved school.
I was and am starting to get over how much school warped my mind about how people are. It has taken me years and am noticing people are generally cool and am less afraid to work and try and socialize.

I see what you mean. My case is a bit different though. I have no problem socializing, it's just that people do not take interest in the same things as I. I am not a television person, I hate bars and clubs, I love metal, and I live in the mountains. I am so addicted to knowledge and music that I barely find the time for anything else.

Aside from that, I grew tired of the condescending voices of people who wave their position in society around as though they were better than me. I never made any effort to be rich or impress others, nor will I ever. It is these types of people I seem to find when I actually do surface for any amount of time. Any conversation I strike up is way beyond them or considered "unproductive"; meaning it doesn't make them money lol.

In conclusion, I don't hate anyone or judge all people with one general opinion, I just think that everything I may need in this life I was born with.
Only if they wore make-up, had greasy long hair over their face, and had t-shirts with corpses on the front.

However if you listen to hair metal you become one of the most popular kids in your year. Oh yeah! I loved school.

what's wrong with shirts that have corpses on them?

I wore this to the gym the other day :heh:


suffocation FTW :D
well for the most part, most male metalheads were outcasts in high school. kinda goes with the territory. I'm no different.

This is bullshit. The only way someone is outcast is because of their own doing. I'm sure if you just actually talked to other people at your school they would have realized you aren't "weird" or "crazy" or anything stupid like that. I don't see what the fuck peoples problem is with just bsing with other people. Sure, there were a few people I used to hate at my school, but for the most part, if you just interact with most of them it's all good.
Speaking of school. My parents can't get me to care and put myself back into a school setting so now one of my mothers friends is on my ass and I have grandparents on my ass. It's like leave me alone. I have left all of it behind. I would rather just hang out at a restourant making minimum wage with decent people rather than dealing with prick students and go back into that shit again. At this point I could not handle that. end

Why can't people just let me forget about school. I feel like I am going to be haunted by the drama until I die.
Nope. dropped out

I would have to get my GED and then go to a community college or trade school or something. I know people are going to be pricks and have no desire to put myself back into a school setting and re-live everything. I have actually felt decent over the last few years where I can work,etc.. and be somewhat productive and am no longer suicidal and what not and feel like regardless my choice and moving forward. The entire fact that people don't realize how much better I feel now bugs me just because I might not make much,etc..
@ Death Delirium: Although I can't speak for everyone nor can I do so with vast years of experience under my belt, but if you haven't finished highschool I would encourage you to do so. If it was the social aspects of Highschool that limited your ability to learn and work, then why not take classes at night? or distance ed? Their are a variety of ways to still get your diploma without having to go back to the generally atrocious traditional highschool environment.

On topic: I'm pretty much just like the rest of you guys here. I've never really dated and just have shitty luck in general with the opposite sex. However, my enjoyment of metal has nothing to do with my inability to get dates/gf/laid whatever, it's simply because I don't put much effort into this area of my life. I am sure if I did , I could yield decent results but I am not into the whole 'notches in the toolbelt' approach to relationships. When I do have a relationship (of course assuming I will at some point) I want it to be serious and for the right reasons and not because I feel socially pressured into it.
I have ambitions and goels just don't want to be in a school setting. I can't achieve my ambitions,etc... I can think about things. I don't want to deal with pricks for some extra money though so would rather make minimum wage. I am happy playing my guitar and not dealing with pricks, this makes me happy.
I have ambitions and goels just don't want to be in a school setting. I can't achieve my ambitions,etc... I can think about things. I don't want to deal with pricks for some extra money though so would rather make minimum wage. I am happy playing my guitar and not dealing with pricks, this makes me happy.

so what's next man?

you are going to be 40 years old, living in your parent's house and making minimum wage? do you not see how pathetic that is?