UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

Some people don't give a shit about actively trying to get with girls, amazingly enough.

Not only that, but if you have ever lived in Cincinnati, you realize this city has a shit dating scene. Probably one of the worst in the country.

I guarantee if I moved elsewhere I would have a better chance, but my financial situation doesn't allow me to do that.
Some people don't give a shit about actively trying to get with girls, amazingly enough.

yea they don't give a shit about trying to get with girls, but they love masturbating to porn 5-7 times a week :rolleyes:

do you not see the bullshit in these statements? I dunno perhaps some men don't want to "date", but its very hard for me to believe that, as horny as 18-22 year old men are, they just don't care about getting laid.
Not only that, but if you have ever lived in Cincinnati, you realize this city has a shit dating scene. Probably one of the worst in the country.

I guarantee if I moved elsewhere I would have a better chance, but my financial situation doesn't allow me to do that.

yea, I am going to make a major effort this summer to meet as many girls as possible.
omg.....Some of you (like hell awaits) are fucking terrible. The reason you don't get shit is cause you think you cant. Look at me, my dating life is shitty, im shitty, I don't wanna talk to you, I don't wanna, no one loves me, omg, omg, omg, omg,'s the 2000's have some pride in yourselves, fuck.
That has not a god damn thing to do with what we're talking about.

if the average man wacks off about 12 times a week to pornography, wouldn't that lead you to believe that the overwhelming majority of most single men 18-22 are extremely horny?

honestly I am not saying there is anything wrong with having other priorities, or not actively trying to get laid. That's totally people's choice

what I am saying is that most men who say that are just making bullshit excuses for the fact that they don't have the balls, and they are not willing to put forth the effort necessary to get with girls.

I know what I speak off, because I used to make excuses, but now I realize it's just bullshit.
The reason you don't get shit is cause you think you cant. Look at me, my dating life is shitty, im shitty, I don't wanna talk to you, I don't wanna, no one loves me, omg, omg, omg, omg,'s the 2000's have some pride in yourselves, fuck.

Well said. Don't get me wrong, we all have insecurities, it's human after all, but people must believe in themselves. Feeling useless about yourself is not good.
yea, I am going to make a major effort this summer to meet as many girls as possible.

My goal this summer is to get laid so we'll see how it works out

I have no problem talking with girls, but it takes a major fucking effort to try and get in a girl's pants. Not only that, I can't spit game worth a fucking shit. I'm just straight-forward with people and some see that as intimidating.
Well said. Don't get me wrong, we all have insecurities, it's human after all, but people must believe in themselves. Feeling useless about yourself is not good.

of course thats important but most girls only seem to focus on the negative aspects of my being, the fact I have aspergers/autism and live with my parents and don't own a car. they don't see "oh this guy is a musician, very talented, running his own record label".
My goal this summer is to get laid so we'll see how it works out

I have no problem talking with girls, but it takes a major fucking effort to try and get in a girl's pants. Not only that, I can't spit game worth a fucking shit. I'm just straight-forward with people and some see that as intimidating.

you gotta keep putting forward the effort man (and the same with myself)

you don't start playing guitar as good as joe satriani the first time you pick it up.

the guys who get laid are those who just don't give a fuck, they will try about a 100 girls and they will get laid with 5-10 of them. They say fuck you to the rest.
I quit high school when I was 16.

Same here which is legally the age where school systems can't not do anything. Before I would just leave school and they would kick me out for 1,2 weeks and put me back in. A friend of mine since around four years of age and I decided to quit at the sametime and honestly don't regret it at all. I don't regret it all at because school really has nothing to do with how people are and is more just a place of drama and dysfunction. Majority of us work the same crappy job regardless who paid attention in school and fit in and if you live in a small town notice that. Some kids that went to college and everyone thought were going to have a specific life in the end were not good enough and are stuck here working the same dead end job.

Doing what profession might I ask?

Btw, to Death Delirium: If you don't want to go to school, pick up a trade skill of some sort. In construction or manufacturing.

I think my grandpa was telling me something about that yesterday.
Same here which is legally the age where school systems can't not do anything. Before I would just leave school and they would kick me out for 1,2 weeks and put me back in. A friend of mine since around four years of age and I decided to quit at the sametime and honestly don't regret it at all. I don't regret it all at because school really has nothing to do with how people are and is more just a place of drama and dysfunction. Majority of us work the same crappy job regardless who paid attention in school and fit in and if you live in a small town notice that. Some kids that went to college and everyone thought were going to have a specific life in the end were not good enough and are stuck just stuck here working the same dead end job.

man, where the fuck are you getting your information from? there is a VERY, I repeat VERY strong correlation between education and salary. Ignoring the important of education pretty much ensures that you will not earn jack shit in your entire life. I dunno though, you seem to be content with living in a small apartment and earning minimum wage (I have no idea how you intend on surviving on minimum wage, that's barely like what? 800 900 a month assuming 40 hours a week?)

you just seem like a very disturbed young man TBH. (no offense)

for your sake, I hope you are a troll and the stuff you post here is pure nonsense.
I think my grandpa was telling me something about that yesterday.

My uncle just retired from Allison Transmissions in tool and die. He started working their because my grandfather got him a job there. No prior experience, worked there 30+ years and as of last year he was making $35/hr. Plus, he was on the union committee which paid him an extra $30/hr. Which if you do the math is alot of money. Just gotta find the right place, but a majority of skilled trades pays good.