UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

My parents were from a small town and they kinda fit what The Greys is saying, both were good students in high school, but didn't go to college and are now making a combined 40 K im guessing a year. Basically everyone says there's nothing here but drugs but it's rare that I've seen anyone leave this town and never come back, which is what I want to do.
man, where the fuck are you getting your information from? there is a VERY, I repeat VERY strong correlation between education and salary. Ignoring the important of education pretty much ensures that you will not earn jack shit in your entire life. I dunno though, you seem to be content with living in a small apartment and earning minimum wage (I have no idea how you intend on surviving on minimum wage, that's barely like what? 800 900 a month assuming 40 hours a week?)

you just seem like a very disturbed young man TBH. (no offense)

for your sake, I hope you are a troll and the stuff you post here is pure nonsense.

40+ hours a week is full-time bud.
You can barely speak at the level at which others can understand the general message that you're trying to convey. You couldn't stick it out for another 2 years?

No. At a certain point I had no reason to go because the social expirience itself was so terrible. No friends or attention from girls and you are around people always and you can't even fit in. I don't care what anyone says it's akward to be there. I could not keep myself in the environment. I did not care about anything because the place just drove me to not care.
No. At a certain point I had no reason to go because the social expirience itself was so terrible. No friends or attention from girls and you are around people always and you can't even fit in. I don't care what anyone says it's akward to be there. I could not keep myself in the environment. I did not care about anything because the place just drove me to not care.

you gotta put forth the effort to make friends (and you have to put much more effort if you want to get attention from girls)

jesus christ do you not have any social skills at all? do you not know how to find common ground and build relationships with people? do you even know how to engage people in conversation?
Also when you look at school systems today and what is going on it's pretty obvious there are social problems(always have been) and schools are not doing a damn thing and yeah someone should be able to go to school and be a 'person' but I guess it's not like that for everyone.
I speak fine and anyone who has talked to me in person can tell you that. Who the hell are you anyways ?

Go fuck yourself!
If the Greys is anywhere near as awkward in person as he is on the internet, he should just become a hermit. Find a shack in the woods somewhere and spend the rest of his days collecting owl pellets and muttering to himself, stinking of urine.

I would love to live in a shack in a woods!

(without a TV or computer). If I could that would be a 'dream'. Aslong as I have a guitar and a stereo!
Honestly, The Greys, writing coherent sentences should be as a second nature to you by now, which it obviously isn't. I guarantee you, if you put some effort into finishing High School, you will realize that the rewards will far out-weigh what little effort you'll have put into it.
"Dating" is shallow bullshit. I've always hated going out with the intention of picking up girls. Chances of finding someone you could spend more than a day with are negligible. Both long lasting relationships I've been in have been with girls who I met through friends and the music scene, and they both shared my passion for music (including metal). I can't imagine being with someone who I didn't have that in common with.
40+ hours a week is full-time bud.

I think that was the point of his question - how do you survive doing full time and getting shit pay? I work about 20 hours a week and make $900....there is no way I could afford to live in an apartment let alone pay for extra utilities. also depends on where you live (which expains why I can't afford an apartment :erk:)

edit: Granted, if minimum = about $7, then that would be a little over 1k a month...but fuck.
"Dating" is shallow bullshit. I've always hated going out with the intention of picking up girls. Chances of finding someone you could spend more than a day with are negligible. Both long lasting relationships I've been in have been with girls who I met through friends and the music scene, and they both shared my passion for music (including metal). I can't imagine being with someone who I didn't have that in common with.

thats extremely hard to come by in Youngstown.
I was talking with Krig on AIM about this, and honestly, it sucks.

so how does it affect your dating/sex-life?

inquiring minds want to know...

Honestly it doesn't affect it at all. I've gone out with women who liked metal and others who loathed it. They were attracted to me regardless of my taste. And honestly if a girl is so vapid as to write you off because of a few bands you like then she isn't worth your time.
Also when you look at school systems today and what is going on it's pretty obvious there are social problems(always have been) and schools are not doing a damn thing and yeah someone should be able to go to school and be a 'person' but I guess it's not like that for everyone.

Why would others always be responsible for your social problems. In this case why would your school do anything about you not be able to find some friends there.

You're not going to have somebody behind your shoulders all your life that's going to tell others to be nice with you. School is no different then any places, there's always morons and some cool people. You gotta find people that you find interesting and just ignore the others. You don't need anyone to take care of teh social problems other then yourself. If you're not able to mangae that you're going to feel rejected and weird all your life.

If you think school was awful you'll see that any gathering of people can be awful. You want to start a band...well just there you're very likely going to have differents of opinions and stuff like that with the others and I would bet that you're going to leave the band like you did in school because you're not able to manage all this. Then it's going to be work...
School systems should take responsibility for how people are treated in their shitty system. end
School systems should take responsibility for how people are treated in their shitty system. end

Stop being such a victim. Grow some balls. Lots of people have a shit time at school. Ben_t actually gave you a bunch of good advice there, which of course you've chosen to ignore.