UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

well hmm you guys are a bunch of unlucky fucks ehhh? My girlfriend is into extreme metal and shares my taste in pretty much every band 100%.
For Ben T. I don't expect people to always get along and be nice and agree. It just seems people in school systems are just more than pricks and it's more than just some small issue like when you deal with people at a job and everyone moves on and forget,etc... and I generally don't have problems with people outside of school, with school when you have issues with people it's ongoing and people just push things to the limit because maybe they are rich and popular and can. For me it was just having to remove myself from the entire school system and I feel regardless it was the best thing for me as a person and feeling regardless if it affects my wages. I don't really have as many problems with confidence and depression issues. I don't like feeling like 100 percent shit. who does

Schools systems did not want to do anything. I took matters into my own hand by legally being able to drop out. Why should I have to suffer. I don't care what other people think either because I feel better and free as a person. If someone does not like me they can fuck themself because it's not like you matter.
The thing that bugs me more than anything is people having problems with people because they might not be as smart or step in degeneration. How is someone suppose to learn or want to go to school when there is not a fit setting and a school sysytem is bad. If someone is at a school system since a child who else would be responsible for how a person acts ?. School systems just point their finger and people like me have to deal with our own problems and than people who are braiwashed by a school saying how a person should be and what they should do and how they should act,etc.... and we should know pointless calculus,etc.. blah blah



You never see a school system admit how much dysfunction is going on and taking responsibility by what happens in a school and than just blame entertainment,music,weapons,etc.. rather than coming forward and saying our school system is an over dramatized dysfunctional shit fest circus. I would never go back to school and want nothing to do with anything that stems from school. The entire thing just puts me someone I don't want to be.
For Ben T. I don't expect people to always get along and be nice and agree. It just seems people in school systems are just more than pricks and it's more than just some small issue like when you deal with people at a job and everyone moves on and forget,etc... and I generally don't have problems with people outside of school, with school when you have issues with people it's ongoing and people just push things to the limit because maybe they are rich and popular and can. For me it was just having to remove myself from the entire school system and I feel regardless it was the best thing for me as a person and feeling regardless if it affects my wages. I don't really have as many problems with confidence and depression issues. I don't like feeling like 100 percent shit. who does

Schools systems did not want to do anything. I took matters into my own hand by legally being able to drop out. Why should I have to suffer. I don't care what other people think either because I feel better and free as a person. If someone does not like me they can fuck themself because it's not like you matter.

Surely you work experience must be limited at best. If you think that in a work environment everyone just forgets and move on you are truely mistaken.

Someday you will learn about the backstabbing pricks that would do anything to to get you fired or something to get your position or just to appear better then you in an attempt to get a raise/promotion. Even your boss in some situation can make your life like hell as easily as anyone in school. And sometimes it's not really easy to find a new job so some will put up with this bullshit for a really long time.

While I have no idea of what happened to you, I have a hard time believing that dropping out was the best solution and the answer to your problems. There's a lot of future situation that will probably put you pretty much in the same situation and you don't seem to be able to deal with adversity very much so it seems that staying alone with limited interactions will be they key for you in the future.
The thing that bugs me more than anything is people having problems with people because they might not be as smart or step in degeneration. How is someone suppose to learn or want to go to school when there is not a fit setting and a school sysytem is bad. If someone is at a school system since a child who else would be responsible for how a person acts ?. School systems just point their finger and people like me have to deal with our own problems and than people who are braiwashed by a school saying how a person should be and what they should do and how they should act,etc.... and we should know pointless calculus,etc.. blah blah



You never see a school system admit how much dysfunction is going on and taking responsibility by what happens in a school and than just blame entertainment,music,weapons,etc.. rather than coming forward and saying our school system is an over dramatized dysfunctional shit fest circus. I would never go back to school and want nothing to do with anything that stems from school. The entire thing just puts me someone I don't want to be.

Why would the school system be responsible for everything. Aren't your parents and other parents in charge of raising their childs before/during/after school?

What do you suggest the education system change to make you feel better? What can they really do to prevent you from being picked on? There's a lot of differrent people in the world and no matter what the circumstance is some are going to be mean to others. There's not really a way to avoid that unless you learn to deal with it. Quitting and blaming others surely does not sound like the best option to me.

If it is to you well get ready because it's really not the last time you blame others and quit something.

Also calculus might be useless to you but it still can be very useful to a lot of things. Just because you haven't seen a lot of it's application doesn't mean it's useless.
I have great parents and was a happy kid and look how I turned out from being put in school system. I blame school and it has affected me for the worse than better mentally . My parents gave their sweat and blood for me. The thing is schools seem to always blame the parents. These assholes can't even control their schools and point their fingers. I have fucked up views and have been mentally tarnished from a school system. Why would I want to step back in. It has taken me years just to chaneg my views about people because I judged everyone based on what went on in a school system thinking everyone was fucked up and that school really represented everything when it means nothing. It has taken me years to gain confidence back so I can step outside and live just because it was taken from me. I'm past it and will deal with the results of not being legit on writing. fuck schools
Do you think my parents wanted me to drop out and did not try to prevent me ?. whatever. I was of age and no one could stop me regardless how hard they tried.

As far as I know kids first get into things like cigs,alcohol when 14,15 and try things. I don't know what planet you are from you cock.

My parents were indeed responsible and I know similiar people who also have responsible parents. It's school systems. If schools do not change you can count on kids fucking up.
You've been through one school system. Are you really stupid enough to generalize every school system in the country? Or to really think that all of your problems are due to the school system, and not you, your parents, and the people you choose to associate with? It's your own fucking fault, stop pointing fingers.

Basically that's a meaner and more direct way of saying what I was saying. :lol:
Look at all the dysfunction going on with schools and go out and see how people are. I'm not making this generalization purely based on my school system. I think basically everyone is normal and than they go through a school system and turn out a certain way as a result from a school system.

You know how many kids in the world are mentally and pysically abused in a school system for years and years starting when a young child when there brains are learning and developing. How is someone suppose to be normal or live to their full potential when shit like this is going on all the time. How can someone think a school is not responsible for someones outlook towards people the world and their general sense and emotions in a general way.

You see a bunch of fucked up people or maybe people you don't think turned out right. I generally do not think it's because they had bad parents,etc...

You could say that parenting has a role, but I would not say even close to say a school system. Someone spends all day in a school since pre k and kindergarden onward. This is mainly how you are learning and where you are shown and taught. These people have more of an influence more than anyone. Your parents influence you but you are in a school system all day spending more time in a school system than with parents and people in your family and who you associate with.

other people will take responsibility also. just not schools