UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

so what's next man?

you are going to be 40 years old, living in your parent's house and making minimum wage? do you not see how pathetic that is?

You can have minimum wage jobs and get an apartment,etc... I am thinking about getting another job doing something similiar and moving out and starting a band. You critisize me but you don't offer anything that would make me happy with what you think is right. You don't seem to great off to me so what's so great ?. If I can be around people who I can get along with what's so wrong. A lot of people have minimum wage jobs and find it atleast amusing and socially fun. It's not about money to me. I just want to be able to be around people and not have it such a misrable expirience.
You don't seem to great off to me so what's so great ?.

I suppose that's up to your definition of the word great

I intend (and will be) making 80 - 100+ grand by the time I am 27 28 years old as well having a family and nice house/car. I am not going to stop until my salary will be in the 150 + grand range (that will probably be when I am 40 - 50 years old)
I don't want a family and some nice car some rich prick drives around and go home to some kids in some expensive house. Whatever floats your boat.
Schools and society just rub it in your mind that a piece of paper(money) has to do with someones wealth. That's such bullshit. It's not like human beings always had money and slaved to the government paying taxes anyways so basically society and people like you are more fucked up than another by thinking someone is pathetic by how much they make an hour. Why dont you just get rid of all the pathetic people that make minimum wage until they die and people like you can do all the minimum wage jobs and than you can take back the finger you're pointing and stick it up your ass.

Rich peoples lives are not that great anyways and all the people like me are making sure you are all happy at your little social gatherings so you can talk about some bullshit. These people are not better than anyone else and non of them have a halo over their heads. At the end of the day you can kiss my dick.
you and krig dont have gfs because youre an asperger's-addled lunatic and a obnoxious fat gun-toting idiot respectively

:lol: that was hilarious.

Anyway listening to metal doesn't affect much for me. It would surprising if anyone would guess that I listen to metal by the way I look/dress. That and the fact that I don't post here 6 hours a day might explain some things. :p

Anyway I've been with the same girl for almost 3 years so I'm not really in the "dating" thing. If I was single now though it would be harder to meet people then when I was still in University...I pretty much hate bars and where I work there's not many options there.
I suppose that's up to your definition of the word great

I intend (and will be) making 80 - 100+ grand by the time I am 27 28 years old as well having a family and nice house/car. I am not going to stop until my salary will be in the 150 + grand range (that will probably be when I am 40 - 50 years old)

Doing what profession might I ask?

Btw, to Death Delirium: If you don't want to go to school, pick up a trade skill of some sort. In construction or manufacturing. Using mills and lathes and shit. You'll make good money doing it and don't need schooling. That's if you want to, of course.
I suppose that's up to your definition of the word great

I intend (and will be) making 80 - 100+ grand by the time I am 27 28 years old as well having a family and nice house/car. I am not going to stop until my salary will be in the 150 + grand range (that will probably be when I am 40 - 50 years old)

Well that's good if you can do it. But making 80 000 - 100 000$ at 27-28...well I'd liek to know what you intend to do. If you want to make that much money it usually requires more study. So you be studying till you're like 25...that leaves you 2-3 years to reach your goal.

I've been to school until I was 23 and I got a job right after I graduated, I consider myself pretty lucky as I make more then maybe 90% of the people that went to University with me. You very rarely start somewhere and make that much money within the timeframe you want to achieve.

Good for you if you can, but that doesn't sound that realistic to me. Then again I have no idea what you want to do in life and how old you are. I assume you're 15 or so though and have no real idea of what working is. :p
Schools and society just rub it in your mind that a piece of paper(money) has to do with someones wealth. That's such bullshit. It's not like human beings always had money and slaved to the government paying taxes anyways so basically society and people like you are more fucked up than another by thinking someone is pathetic by how much they make an hour. Why dont you just get rid of all the pathetic people that make minimum wage until they die and people like you can do all the minimum wage jobs and than you can take back the finger you're pointing and stick it up your ass.

Rich peoples lives are not that great anyways and all the people like me are making sure you are all happy at your little social gatherings so you can talk about some bullshit. These people are not better than anyone else and non of them have a halo over their heads. At the end of the day you can kiss my dick.

I wouldn't say that, I LOVE having money in my hands. It's not because what society or government has tought me, I just love the feeling of money in my hands. I love the freedom it gives me (to be able to go anywhere, buy what I want). And I love the feeling of accomplishment when you receive your paycheck. Life is nowhere near as hard as you make it out to be. People are very cool as long as you act like a normal human being. Some of you guys create problems that are all in your head IMO

anyways, my idea of success in life is making lots of money while still devoting my life to my passions/hobbies (metal, sports, bodybuilding etc...).

Well that's good if you can do it. But making 80 000 - 100 000$ at 27-28...well I'd liek to know what you intend to do. If you want to make that much money it usually requires more study. So you be studying till you're like 25...that leaves you 2-3 years to reach your goal.

I've been to school until I was 23 and I got a job right after I graduated, I consider myself pretty lucky as I make more then maybe 90% of the people that went to University with me. You very rarely start somewhere and make that much money within the timeframe you want to achieve.

Good for you if you can, but that doesn't sound that realistic to me. Then again I have no idea what you want to do in life and how old you are. I assume you're 15 or so though and have no real idea of what working is. :p

I will graduate college right as I turn 21, by then I should have a career that pays me 40 - 45 Grand. I should have my masters by the time I am 24 - 25

from 21 to about 30 years old, I have 9 years to get a job that will pay me 80 - 100 grand a year. It shouldn't be very hard for me, especially considering how determined and hardworking I am

now the only question is... what the fuck am I going to do in life? that's a big question that will have to be answered over the next year and a half.
I wouldn't say that, I LOVE having money in my hands. It's not because what society or government has tought me, I just love the feeling of money in my hands. I love the freedom it gives me (to be able to go anywhere, buy what I want). And I love the feeling of accomplishment when you receive your paycheck. Life is nowhere near as hard as you make it out to be. People are very cool as long as you act like a normal human being. Some of you guys create problems that are all in your head IMO

anyways, my idea of success in life is making lots of money while still devoting my life to my passions/hobbies (metal, sports, bodybuilding etc...).

I will graduate college right as I turn 21, by then I should have a career that pays me 40 - 45 Grand. I should have my masters by the time I am 24 - 25

from 21 to about 30 years old, I have 9 years to get a job that will pay me 80 - 100 grand a year. It shouldn't be very hard for me, especially considering how determined and hardworking I am

now the only question is... what the fuck am I going to do in life? that's a big question that will have to be answered over the next year and a half.

haha ok then. You still don't have a clue on what you want to do but you already know how much you want to make. So you're going to pick a field where making this amount of money is possible, but this field might be absolutly not suited for you. You might not be good at it no matter how much determination you have.

Well good luck. Hopefully you can achieve what you want but right now it seems more like wishful thinking then anything else. I heard this many times when I was in high school but very few actually did anything that deserves any mention.
I don't want a family and some nice car some rich prick drives around and go home to some kids in some expensive house. Whatever floats your boat.

Ha ha nice :kickass:

I agree with you on many points. I quit high school when I was 16. I have stayed doing maintenance work since then, and make about 13 an hour now. I am more educated than almost everyone I have met, and have not paid a dime for it. I don't care about money. It is only a means.

In fact, I cut my own hours because I was making extra money; it leaves more time for working on another album or reading more books. What is important to me is self-mastery. I spend most all of my time trying to achieve my mental and physical potential. Everything else is a waste to me. Money and materialism is just misery. We all must die some day and give it up.
I'm similar to the Greys in some aspects, I'm more concerned with enjoyment of life than overall $ though I am in college and am on my way to graduating for sure after 4 years, and then I'm finished with school but yeah, working a part time job with like 20 hours a week, providing it could pay the bills, would be perfectly fine with me, I too would like to be in a band like him and be the singer of a death metal band and play guitar in it and would rather do that than work, which is one of the many reasons I plan on moving far away from here, possibly to Tampa, Florida in 3 years, but I will have a college degree which should be able to offer me a variety of jobs to do though I really don't look forward to the loan bills. But my main goal is to have my music distributed on some kind of label eventually, doesn't have to be the one I'm doing now, but anykind. I don't have any goals of families and getting married, I don't want kids now and probably won't in the future if I don't change my mind, so if it happens it happens if it doesn't it doesn't. But the last time I tried to get a girlfriend was a fucking disaster, I acted like I wanted her too bad and did some very desperate things, :lol:, and I just went for her and not multiple girls, so I haven't asked any girls out since then, don't know when I will, I'm not planning on anything concerning girls during college and currently, so I don't know what will happen.
yea true, my fiercely competitive nature makes things a 100x worse. The fact that I haven't been laid in months and many, many guys have been makes me feel like a massive fucking loser.

Let's hope things change in the summer...

It's been years since I've been laid (mainly my choice though)

Honestly, I was too busy with shit in college like trying to maintain a good GPA, working part time and all the other bullshit that goes along with college (like drinking a lot) to have even cared about dating. I think it also stems from the fact that I can't find a woman who is on the same level as I am intellectually. Most people at my (now) alma-mater wanted to talk about shit like current TV shows and whatnot whereas I wanted to talk about shit like astronomy (one of my new interests), epistemology and other shit that most college kids couldn't give a shit about outside of class.

That and, like Zephyrus, I wear a ton of band shirts.
It's been years since I've been laid (mainly my choice though)

Honestly, I was too busy with shit in college like trying to maintain a good GPA, working part time and all the other bullshit that goes along with college (like drinking a lot) to have even cared about dating. I think it also stems from the fact that I can't find a woman who is on the same level as I am intellectually. Most people at my (now) alma-mater wanted to talk about shit like current TV shows and whatnot whereas I wanted to talk about shit like astronomy (one of my new interests), epistemology and other shit that most college kids couldn't give a shit about outside of class.

That and, like Zephyrus, I wear a ton of band shirts.

eh, you're making excuses there instead of really making an effort to meet and go out with girls.
eh, you're making excuses there instead of really making an effort to meet and go out with girls.

Probably. I'm really shy too but I'm trying to overcome that. Usually alcohol does the trick and helps me.

But seriously, school was THE priority in my life for the last 4 years. I just didn't care about dating at all.

Oh shit, it's the guy who told me the Bengals would stomp the Colts and they that Colts suck. hahahahaha

I rooted for the Colts in the SB