UM men: how does being into metal affect you dating life?

And for that, yuo get Blue Wizard's Tip of the Day!
Go sing these lyrics to a girl I msde up when I was thinking subconsciously out of my head while listneing to Emperor's in The Nightside Eclipse.
In The Nightside Eclipse
When you see a girl's tits
And you cum on her face
The bitch likes that today

You may've just desecrated black metal in the process but if it works you get a virtual high five from me. I'm sorry, my subconscious is a fucking pervert.:) :lol:

Omg noooo lol that'll be like the worst thing you can sing to a girl no wonder why you didn't get a girl yet haha jking!!
To be honest, I'm not looking for anyone at the moment, or for a while maybe. I don't mind being single, and I don't care to date anyone that I have no intention of actually being with, for the sake of filling a temporary void.

I can't remember the last time a man called me sexy. :lol:

I haven't used anything like nexopia or myspace for quite a while, but the last comment of that sort I got was actually from a wasn't the first time something like that's happened, but it was awkward anyhow. :lol:
It doesn't affect my dating life at all. When a chick asks me what kind of music I like, I just say Metallica, Iron Maiden, etc. as opposed to saying Graveland, Darkthrone, Incantation, etc., because I am wary of that fact that I might scare them off. I have no problem getting girls.
I can't for the life of me figure out how listening to metal could affect ones dating life.

If you are incapable of persuading one of the fairer sex into going out with you, chances are your problems go far deeper than your music genre of choice, sorry...
I'm a hermit of sorts. I don't see enough people for that sort of thing to even have a remote chance; especially with my attitude towards most people and how they think.
I have death metal going on in my myspace profile, and list tons of kvlt bands. Yet, I still get at least one woman emailing me every day looking for a date. I actually got a record 7 inquiries in one day yestery. Or, there are just a lot of desperate women in Boston.
Too bothered to read this thing, but if you're having trouble getting dates, it's not just Metal that's affecting your dating life.
I have death metal going on in my myspace profile, and list tons of kvlt bands. Yet, I still get at least one woman emailing me every day looking for a date. I actually got a record 7 inquiries in one day yestery. Or, there are just a lot of desperate women in Boston.

that's cause you're a good looking dude and seem to be pretty charismatic (no homo)
Too bothered to read this thing, but if you're having trouble getting dates, it's not just Metal that's affecting your dating life.
My guess is that some people use the fact that they listen to metal as an excuse as to why they can't get dates.

As for me, I've never done the dating scene nor have I wanted to yet. Hopefully I'll have a better experience in college that MasterOLightning though.
I am in college right now, and the dating is pretty shitty TBH. There aren't that many good looking girls and 99% of the decent ones seem to be taken.

or it could be that I just suck, either way...
Too bothered to read this thing, but if you're having trouble getting dates, it's not just Metal that's affecting your dating life.

I don't blame metal just never had any luck since the beginning when everyone started getting into the opposite sex. I don't know. I just blame my genes. females don't like me
I'm a hermit of sorts.

I was and am starting to get over how much school warped my mind about how people are. It has taken me years and am noticing people are generally cool and am less afraid to work and try and socialize.