Un-supportive wife rant


Aug 6, 2006
San Antonio, Texas
I am 43 years old and I have been a musician since the age of 4. I started off beating on any can or bucket I could get my hands on playing to old Jackson 5 and Beatles songs. I then got to play my cousins drum set and started playing funk stuff then disco. As an African American man, from the time I was born I listened to soul, funk, r&b and disco because that's what was in the house, but we lived in a predominately white neighborhood so most of my friends were white, and they were listening to groups like KISS, Lynard Skynard and Rush and other rock bands, so I listened to them too. When I got into middle school I joined school band played many different instruments and picked up bass guitar. about that time my friends and I started listening to groups like Motley Crew, WASP, and other glam rock bands as well as the New Wave stuff MTV was playing. Joined my first band in the 8th grade....won a talent show playing "I wanna be somebody" by WASP. When I got into high school naturally I joined the marching band playing drums but still played bass. When I finished school I was approached by a guy asking if I was interested in trying out for a band and I did, but was told that although I'm a good bass player but it didn't look right for black people in rock bands. But that didn't bother me because I soon was asked by another band to play in their band and with the drummer of that band we grew tired of the OZZY type stuff were playing and wanted to get heavier which we started a thrash metal then got heavier into death metal and we had some success doing a small tour opening up for Cannibal Corpse, Grave, Devastation, and other death metal groups that were around that time. I got married and had kids and decided that I didn't wanna play in a band but I've always wanted to have a part in music. I've recorded and produced some bands and had fun. I love music and being a part of the production of it. Here comes the big problem. My wife says she supports me but when I want to do anything music related she gets pissed and gives me shit. I have told her how angry it makes me that she questions me and what I do. The reason I told you guys the story about how I grew up with music is to show how long I've been in music. We have been to counseling and she just wont get it. I feel like If I can't just pick up my bass guitar and play without her telling me that I care more about my bass than her and the kids, I may have to divorce her. I am really unhappy when I don't get to just go into my studio when I want without her giving me a pissed off look. I love my wife but I don't wanna be up her ass all day long or her up mine. Am I being selfish?
Personally, I don't think so but I couldn't say for certain without hearing the other side of the story.

Are you spending enough quality time with her etc? My wife is very supportive but I'd imagine things would get sour for her if I wasn't attending to her or the kids very much.
I dont think your being selfish, and from the sounds of it you might be better off without her. Sucks to say but if you truly cant dick around with music stuff for atleast an hour out of your day without being nagged and such then she probably sucks and is insecure or worse, she used you to start a family and get what she wanted but didnt consider the reality of what being with you meant. Its hard to see when shit like this is happening but you will probably be a happier person alone or with someone nicer, particularly if she cant meet you halfway. Good luck buddy, dont let it keep you down.
Personally, I don't think so but I couldn't say for certain without hearing the other side of the story.

Are you spending enough quality time with her etc? My wife is very supportive but I'd imagine things would get sour for her if I wasn't attending to her or the kids very much.

I spend most of my time with her.....here's how bad it is.....If I wanna go to guitar center....I have to drag her and the kids with me.....and once there I'm spending more time telling the kids to leave shit alone and telling my wife I'll be done in a few than actually getting to enjoy myself.
I just broke up with a girl who "claimed" to be supportive of what I do... and did absolutely fuck all to show it when it came time.

She bitched and moaned about me going to visit my friends in Mastodon this last weekend even though it was only gonna be for a few hours... then surprise surprise she winds up having a fucking blast and apologizing for doubting me blah blah.

Next day she gets blackout drunk then takes a swing at me... long story short, FUCK that bitch, and fuck anybody who gets in your way

My philosophy: enrich your life by filling it with people who are behind you, as in having your back, or beside you, as in being your partner, but NEVER someone opposing you, causing you to go AROUND them or THROUGH them.

Good luck.
I just broke up with a girl who "claimed" to be supportive of what I do... and did absolutely fuck all to show it when it came time.

She bitched and moaned about me going to visit my friends in Mastodon this last weekend even though it was only gonna be for a few hours... then surprise surprise she winds up having a fucking blast and apologizing for doubting me blah blah.

Next day she gets blackout drunk then takes a swing at me... long story short, FUCK that bitch, and fuck anybody who gets in your way

My philosophy: enrich your life by filling it with people who are behind you, as in having your back, or beside you, as in being your partner, but NEVER someone opposing you, causing you to go AROUND them or THROUGH them.

Good luck.

That sounds like what I wish I could do
i'm kinda in a similar situation. i'm 48. been playing forever. not an African American man ;), but get where you're coming from. it's a thin line to walk. family and our passion. i get it man, really i do. more than you know. it's hard to believe other people don't, especially our WIVES - but they don't. they have no idea the happiness it give us - or what it provides mentally to us when we really need it. they should. God knows they should. i can't tell you the times i've run out of my little "music hole" to tell her how i just wrote the next "Stairway to Heaven" to get.. "that's great... oh, can you put the kids to bed tonight?". but not understanding or comprehending doesn't get them off the hook. they still need to accept that it brings us happiness and provides a sense of "well being" that in the end benefits everyone!

ok, so having said, the flip side to this is there's no getting out of the responsibilities of being a parent, father. that's really gotta be right up there. unless you're OZZY and touring 360 days a year and bringing home a boat load of cash, you have to concede that there is going to be days where you have to set the bass down (as hard as it may be) and be a parent/husband. your kids deserve it, your wife deserves it. you'll be glad you did down the road.

btw, why the hell would a guy ask you to try out for the band then tell you you're not right because you're black?? Scratching my head over that one.
Reading this thread just fucking pisses me off all over again. So sick of shitty women/bitches. Its like the only time THEY're happy is if they're ensuring YOU aren't.
btw, why the hell would a guy ask you to try out for the band then tell you you're not right because you're black?? Scratching my head over that one.

The one who asked me didn't see a problem with it....it was the singer that thought it was bad for their image, it's kinda funny because the guy who asked me to audition is in the band I'm about to produce.

Anyway, you're right and that's what makes it so hard because I don't wanna be that guy that left his family because he's unhappy. but being unhappy sucks just the same. I just wish that she had something she was passionate about so she could see how I feel. her biggest problem is she group up in a group home and has never had a family until I came along and she feels that she has to keep this one as close to her as possible.
This makes me so glad my girlfriend is actually supportive of me. She loves hearing all of my band's music and the other stuff I write, and always wants to come out to my shows. She says she really enjoys watching them because I'm so happy up on stage. I honestly don't know how she can stand it as I rant for like 15 minutes about random musical things.

If she can't support you, and it seems, according you, actively tries to guilt you for it, then, well, I don't know. I couldn't necessarily say to flat-out divorce her over it, but it is a very big problem.
Did you specifically tell her that it hurts you how un-supportive she is and how music is one of the most important things in your life (after her and the kids of course :D )? Sounds like a stupid question but you'd be surprised how often people expect others to read their mind. Yes, she should probably realize it herself but it doesn't hurt to say it.

Personally, I think normally it'd be logical to end a relationship if it doesn't change after really talking about it and trying (both sides, so perhaps you can spend a little less time on music and she tries to be supportive), but since you mentioned kids It's a little different (imho). It traumatizes kids when their parents divorce and a lot of them (not all of course) will develop problems. Then again of if you're at each others throats all the time it's also hell for children so yeah.. It also depends on how old they are. An 18 year old will most probably be able to deal with it, while a kid or teenager won't have it as easy.
Let's make it clear: people are supportive of what they really like, if it's not in their vision, if it's not their hobby, they won't give a shit, they will tell you they' ll be supportive just to be polite.
Last but not least, women DON'T FUCKING LIKE MUSIC especially rock/metal
how many girls did you see playing in bands? 1 on a million? yes that's it just a few enjoy music
Are you still happy with her ? I mean : are you still interested in her ? The answer to the last question may explain the reason how she gets so pissed off when you pick up your bass. If she feels you are not interested in her and your couple, that's why she thinks you play music to escape your husband life. And maybe it is true. Think about it, really.
Sounds like there are other underlying reasons as to why she's getting so upset. There has to be a reason why there is so much anger and frustration built up inside of her which exposes itself when the thought of you and music touch the surface. You + music = the gateway to her getting mad. For others, its: going to the bar, playing video games, bowling night, hunting with friends, etc. Its not you, its her, unless, like others have said, maybe she has her story, maybe she feels like you are not spending enough time w her. Whatever it is, I honestly don't think its your love for music that is making her mad, thats just the gateway. Have a stern talk with her, figure out whats really bothering her. If she really has trouble with you taking an hour of the day to fulfill your musical needs, then she really needs help.
I am massively generalizing, but it kinda sounds to me like you're too easy to manipulate and over years and years of being able to do it, she has learned that if she cries and whines and bitches, you will capitulate to her demands. So she wears the trousers from her perspective, and what she says goes.

I agree with SicRoker - there are going to be some underlying reasons for why she acts this way. A 43 year old man should not have to be dragging his wife and kids to Guitar Center just to appease their fragile egos or to "keep the peace".

Chances are she sees your interest in music as a complete waste of time. You are not fitting into your socially acceptable predefined role of being the provider, the bread-winner, and the goat that she beats whenever she wants something done. If you've been bucking the trend your whole life, then she's had to "put up" with it her whole life, so she's probably pissed that she has spent so much time of her life in this state. She probably fantasizes about how it all could've been different.

There is probably some jealously to it as well. Women are not encouraged to have passions like music and art. They're encouraged to get a man - any fucking man - and have his babies. When they buck this trend, they don't do it in a healthy way (nor do men a lot of the time) - they get heavily invested in bullshit feminist theory, and start pulling the Beyonce independent women idiocy. The reason there is such a deficit of female directors, musicians, artists, and creative thinkers is not because men have dominated those fields. It's because women have been dreaming about white weddings and kids since before they were 10 years old. They prioritize that stuff above all else - their end game is to have a family. So when they see men and other women heavily invested in what they see as pointless things, *and* you get the double whammy of it affecting their chance of having a family... they go crazy.

You're in a slightly different position though because you do have a family. How is she with the kids? Does she overly control them? Does she disrespect their feelings and their wishes? Does she have their futures planned out in her head? All of this kinda links into it; it's about her state of mind and is about much more than just your interest in music.

I say all this just to perhaps shed some light on the situation; not trying to be judgemental at all man. Divorce can be a heavy thing; think about your kids before you jump to such a hasty conclusion. Not only that, but you're in Texas. You're already a deadbeat dad in society's eyes, and all they need is a reason to take your kids away and start cutting heavily into your paycheck.

Sorry to be so blunt!
Even if i don't have the same background as you or even a wife, i have the same problem with my girlfriend.
She's fine with me playing guitar.. as long as i don't plug it in and wont play for any longer than 20 minutes or so.
Although i have made it clear that she knows where our relationship will go if she tries to make me choose her or music, its still really frustrating even having to do so.. and she still gets annoyed and rants about it.