Underrated bands?

Mysticum - industrial black metal that Euronymous fell in love with, then was murdered.

Aborym - one of the most unique BM bands out there, regardless of the industrial elements.

Crionics - the best blackened death metal band, period.

Lamented Souls - stoner doom played by black metal allstars.
Grinder - Simply done thrash with sometimes more leanings in the speed area, but at very high quality. I haven't heard their last album yet, but the first two manage to be polished and yet don't feel watered down at all. The kind of stuff Among the Living-era Anthrax wishes they could do without being so fucking lame and weak.

Hexenhaus - Technical thrash with Mike Wead of King Diamond on guitars. Their second album is pretty dry and mediocre, but their debut and third are brilliant. They like to throw in some longer songs as well, and their first three all contain 10+ minute thrash epics.

Realm - Progressive thrash/power that manages to throw in clean vocals and melodies without sounding even remotely lame. Endless War brutally rapes other pathetic excuses for thrash/power, such as Iced Earth's Burnt Offerings.

Stone - Yet another great thrash band. Their vocalist can get annoying at times (he reminds me of Ron Rinehart a bit, and I can't stand him) but in the guitar section they're almost unmatched. They layer all sorts of melodic-but-thrashy riffs and know how to write a beautiful solo as well.
Human Fortress - excellent power metal band. Very medieval feel to the music. My av is their debut, Lord Of Earth And Heaven's Heir. You may have seen me recommending it to people. That's because it kicks ass.

Great choice. They're fuckin' awesome.

I'd put Kiuas up there too. They're a band that hasn't become really well-known yet. They deserve it, though.

And I still say Hollenthon. The more I listen to With Vilest of Worms to Dwell, the more I see how much these guys fuckin' rock.
Branikald : very trance-like folk black metal with lots of emotions in it.

Reverorum Ib Malacht : another trancy ambient black metal bands with gregorian chants and such, I wish they produce more stuff.

S.v.e.s.t. : brillant and chaotic black metal from france, DSO certainly took some inspiration from them when they made FAS.
Thurisaz - I cannot believe these guys don't get mentioned more often. Progressive/Folk/Black Metal.

Isole - Seconded w/ Carcassian. The perfect doom band.

Porcupine Tree - They don't get mentioned as often as they should.

Novembers Doom - Should be headlining gigs by now but sadly no.
Kronos - hardly ever seem to be mentioned and they own 99% of other death metal bands.

Ann'Sannat - amazing celtic acoustic band that I'm pretty sure no one on here knows

Mar De Grises - Better than most any other doom band

Endstille - Better than most black metal
