Underrated Katatonia tracks

Love of the Swan

i only found out about it through A Tribute to Katatonia - December songs. It's definitely one of the greatest covers too!
Last resort, relention, nightmares by the sea, Chrome (one of the best), passing bird, walking by a wire.... and... Anders is with me FOLLOWER!!!!!!
To be honest i have no idea whats rated and whats not. All i know is that i love I Transpire, Relention and Future of Speech.

Its funny to see the same names cropping up...

I get the vague impression the following are highly rated, but they fucking deserve it because they rock:
Wait Outside, Will I Arrive, Unfurl, Inside the City of Glass, Teargas
One year from now is just beautiful and i don't understand why some people say it is boring.

Also, Will i Arrive, Dispossession, I transpire, In Death a Song, Follower and Last Resort are all very very underrated tracks.
Funeral Wedding, Shades Of Emerald Fields, In death a song, Chrome, I transpire, Complicity, Rusted, Increase, Omerta, Instrumental( i fukking adore this "song" ), Palace of frost, The northern silence :kickass:
On Year From Now is probably my least favourite Katatonia track. It is cool, and nice as well, but it just doesn't do the things for me that other Katatonia tracks do. It has great lyrics in the second verse though.