Unknown awesome bands!?

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Prognostic said:
look at his playlist: saves the day. says a lot about his enlightened musical tastes

hey don't blame me just because you can't appreciate quality popmusic (+ i doubt youve heard anything beyond their couple of videos anyway)

better than the posturing "intellectual" wankery mistaken for emotionally deep artistry which is opeth + their fanbase
FuneralPortrait said:
Seriously, are you IN rilo kiley or something? Fine, you don't like metal anymore, but whats the point of advertising that all over a metal forum? I'm downloading a couple of 'Rilo Kiley' songs now... but I highly doubt their music is gonna diminish my love for Opeth. I prefer complex progressive music to typical indie rock...

it takes more talent to craft profound, touching pop songs than 10 minute riff salads with random nonsensical acoustic breaks
really this whole thread reveals the typical opeth fan trait of paying lip service to "open mindedness" while actually demonstrating nothing of the sort
Shamus said:
And you're doing the exact same thing, just from a different genre standpoint.

ANYWAYS, I want to marry the chorus from that Before the Dawn song, Seed.

it's not closed minded if i fanboy worshipped them for like 2 years (and liked them for like a year after that) before dismissing them

face it i have grown beyond the desire for music to act as an outlet for teenage aggression and delusions of intellectuality
well I like a whole bunch of genre's stretching accross the entire music board.. but I hate indie rock. we all have tastes and opinions.. but this is a metal forum so just give it a rest and enjoy your 'enlightened' life if thats how you see it.
daz436 said:
well I like a whole bunch of genre's stretching accross the entire music board.. but I hate indie rock. we all have tastes and opinions.. just give it a rest and enjoy your 'enlightened' life if thats how you see it.

I actually don't just listen to indie rock (I prefer indie pop tbh), I enjoy sophisticated music of many genres. Sadly Opeth is not "sophisticated" even for metal as much as its fans like to think otherwise. I doubt you're really familiar enough with indie rock to dismiss it entirely, but of course that's irrelevant to you seeing as you wouldn't listen to it anyway solely because it isn't shit for nerdy D&D playing losers like most metal, and thus doesn't gel with the Opeth fan's "so much better than mainstream" self-identity.

edit: I should also note that "I listen to a lot of genres," when said by a metal fan, typically means "I only really listen to metal but I stole my dad's Pink Floyd CDs and maybe I tuned into a classical radio station once and listened to it so I could claim I listen to a lot of genres."
Spectacular Views said:
I actually don't just listen to indie rock (I prefer indie pop tbh), I enjoy sophisticated music of many genres. Sadly Opeth is not "sophisticated" even for metal as much as its fans like to think otherwise. I doubt you're really familiar enough with indie rock to dismiss it entirely, but of course that's irrelevant to you seeing as you wouldn't listen to it anyway solely because it isn't shit for nerdy D&D playing losers like most metal, and thus doesn't gel with the Opeth fan's "so much better than mainstream" self-identity.

edit: I should also note that "I listen to a lot of genres," when said by a metal fan, typically means "I only listen to metal but I stole my dad's Pink Floyd CDs and maybe I tuned into a classical radio station once and listened to it so I could claim I listen to a lot of genres."

ugh dont talk crap please.. I have more electronica (industrial/lounge/chillout/dub etc etc) than metal in my music library and I listen to it more, I also have more classical/baroque than metal.. please don't start being prejudiced because that can get irritating, and can make me see you in a different light other than someone who has a valid opinion on music.

edit: ps- im here to talk about metal because its a metal forum and thus covers a part of my taste in music. so im not a ''metal fan''.

edit2: in response to your comment about my dismissal of the indie rock genre.. maybe it seems harsh for me to knock an entire form of music but my flatmate listens to indie rock bands from underground to mainstream so I get to hear a whole lot of his music which he tries to get me involved in. The music is listenable and I can understand why alot of people like it.. but it doesnt do anything for me... so I dont like it.
good posts daz.

And really, the quote "Rilo Kiley = best band" just about says it all. So openminded. I also listen to (what I consider) to be a wide range of music. Until relatively recently I didn't have any metal at all in my collection- it's just a genre of music I happen to be exploring at the moment. Surely it gets boring listening to indie all the time?
FuneralPortrait said:
good posts daz.

And really, the quote "Rilo Kiley = best band" just about says it all. So openminded. I also listen to (what I consider) to be a wide range of music. Until relatively recently I didn't have any metal at all in my collection- it's just a genre of music I happen to be exploring at the moment. Surely it gets boring listening to indie all the time?

Spectacular Views said:
I actually don't just listen to indie rock (I prefer indie pop tbh), I enjoy sophisticated music of many genres.

Yeah...because illiteracy is trait inherent in only the Opeth fanboi population and not the open minded indie crowd. Fantastic generalisation.
Spectacular Views said:
I doubt you're really familiar enough with indie rock to dismiss it entirely, but of course that's irrelevant to you seeing as you wouldn't listen to it anyway solely because it isn't shit for nerdy D&D playing losers like most metal, and thus doesn't gel with the Opeth fan's "so much better than mainstream" self-identity.

edit: I should also note that "I listen to a lot of genres," when said by a metal fan, typically means "I only really listen to metal but I stole my dad's Pink Floyd CDs and maybe I tuned into a classical radio station once and listened to it so I could claim I listen to a lot of genres."
hahahahahaha :kickass:
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