Unknown awesome bands!?

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chomps said:
Yeah...because illiteracy is trait inherent in only the Opeth fanboi population and not the open minded indie crowd. Fantastic generalisation.

But at least the indie crowd can get laid.
I wish I'd never made that listen to indie rock post now because you know there's plenty other genres that you should also be listening to rather than Opeth ;)
Sure, whatever. I did the same thing, eventually one comes to realize how much Opeth (and eventually, all metal) pales in comparison to the better music out there ;)
Spectacular Views said:
I wish I'd never made that listen to indie rock post now because you know there's plenty other genres that you should also be listening to rather than Opeth ;)

what bands would you consider indie rock anyway?

Bands i listen to on a regular basis that i would consider 'Indie' so to speak.
LCD soundsystem
The Pixies

Indie is an extremely broad genre. Unfortunatley Metal so far (except for a few) does not have as much variety.
People, check out WITCHCRAFT!
and their debut album entitled Firewood!
This is a Swedish band, and very Black Sabbath inspired, they play very good traditional Heavy-Metal!:)
Spectacular Views said:
Sure, whatever. I did the same thing, eventually one comes to realize how much Opeth (and eventually, all metal) pales in comparison to the better music out there ;)
except now you're doing the same shit that most metalheads do, and excluding an entire genre from your scope of interest. hypocritical, really.

as chris said, i like/dislike bands, not genres
Kenneth R. said:
except now you're doing the same shit that most metalheads do, and excluding an entire genre from your scope of interest. hypocritical, really.

as chris said, i like/dislike bands, not genres

I'm allowed to because I know enough about it to know that the vast majority is worthless :D
affinityband said:
what bands would you consider indie rock anyway?

Indie is an extremely broad genre. Unfortunatley Metal so far (except for a few) does not have as much variety.
You are wrong about that. Metal probably is more wide ranged than most genres. For instance the vocals can include all ranges styles and then their are death vox, black metal, operatic, spoken word etc... Indie music is strictly singing (albiet horrible) and badly played and uncreative guitar anti-wankery.
Spectacular Views said:
I'm allowed to because I know enough about it to know that the vast majority is worthless :D
congrats on being just as pseudo intellectual as the people you were just bashing. initially i thought you might be onto something, but it seems you're playing the same hand from a different side of the table.
Kenneth R. said:
congrats on being just as pseudo intellectual as the people you were just bashing. initially i thought you might be onto something, but it seems you're playing the same hand from a different side of the table.

Maybe but at least when I tell a girl what music I like she doesn't immediately place one hand on her rape whistle :cool:
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