Unknown awesome bands!?

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metal_wrath said:
I have proofread your post

In this post we see a typical example of the immature mindset of the average metal listener. :rolleyes:

Don't worry buddy, take it from someone who's been there; I grew out of my metal phase once I became an adult, you will too.
Mumblefood said:
wheee that's Dave. He used to post here years ago, before the place went shit. It's not a "they", it's only him, also btw.

to answer the thread, i could go on for fucking DAYYYYS with dark ambient/industrial/power electronics/free noise stuff, but i'll spare you all. No one likes that stuff, and it's extremely difficult to break into so it's not worth mentioning on a metal forum.

It's a "they" nowadays! When Day Descends is absolutely fantastic. The only band I can love as much as Opeth.

Oh, that sounded quite gay/fanboyish.

Still, Dave rules!
michelle richfiled's band: "sear"

if you ever see their "until the dust lies e.p." somewhere, do not hesitate to buy it or download it (it might be out of print).

michelle richfield is one of the female singers on antimatter's first two albums.
this one is a little more known, but eucharist is a great melodic blackish death metal band.
Seriously, are you IN rilo kiley or something? Fine, you don't like metal anymore, but whats the point of advertising that all over a metal forum? I'm downloading a couple of 'Rilo Kiley' songs now... but I highly doubt their music is gonna diminish my love for Opeth. I prefer complex progressive music to typical indie rock...
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